

2022-09-08 16:09






  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  The second reading of a book is more interesting than the first reading.

  Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  Some of my friends enjoy reading the same book several times. I however, feel that reading a book a second time is not nearly as interesting as it was when i read it the first time. 

  You can only be surprised by the events in the story the first time you read a book. The plot twists and surprises are what I enjoy most about books, but this element of surprise is lost after the first reading. I love reading detective novel because they make me follow the plot carefully to find the villain. However, if I read the book a second time, I already know who the villain is, so the book loses most its attraction. The first reading may shock the reader, but the second one will merely bore the reader.

  Also, I have discovered that reading a book a second time often makes me like it much less than I did before. This often ruins the entire experience of reading the book. When I first read Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, I loved it as an adventure story about a journalist’s search in Africa for a company man who had disappeared. Upon second reading, many distasteful things came clearly into focus. One of those was the harsh treatment the African workers suffered at the hands of the Europeans. The company man, Kurtz, seems heroic during the first reading, yet the second reading revealed him as obviously insane. The second time you read a book can distract from the things you enjoyed about it.

  Finally, there are some kinds of books that are simply not worthy of being read again.Reading theses books a second time , rather than being interesting, is only a waste of time.suppose you are reading a science fiction novel. There are lots of these books on the market. Many are fun to read, but they are all so similar to one another that there is no reason to reread any of them. After I finish one, I just grab another and read a different story on a similar topic. Definitely, not every book deserves reading again nor gets more interesting on a second reading.

  In conclusion, the second reading is nowhere near as good as the first since there are no surprises, the reader’s opinion of the work as a whole can change dramatically, and some books do not deserve a second reading. It is better to enjoy a book once and then savor that memory.

  (《新东方:新托福考试专项进阶--高级写作》 ,p. 275)


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