

2022-09-08 16:07




  3. (education)

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  It is more important to understand ideas and concepts than to learn facts.

  Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 

  Books have been with us for centuries, and they are the preferred material for most people to read and receive their information from. However, twenty years from now, I think students will no longer be using printed books in their studies.

  Computers have begun replacing printed materials, and they will continue doing so in the future. Computers can hold much more information than books can, and this will contribute to the demise of books. I have read that some universities require all students to have laptop computers. The classrooms are wired for internet usage, as is every building on campus. Professors use the Internet for teaching, and students submit all reports electronically. The future of education is electronic computers, not printed books.

  Because of a concern for the environment, fewer books will be printed on paper in the future. Conserving Earth’s natural resources, including trees, will continue to be the focus of many people. Publishing companies have already come out with e-cooks, which are available over the Internet. E-books use no paper and are often cheaper than printed materials. As their popularity continues to rise, fewer people will bother with buying printed books.

  Many teachers training programs currently emphasize non-book learning methods, a trend which will surely increase. As the older generation of teachers retires, new teachers will use books less often. For instance, many teacher training programs have courses in computer-assisted learning methods. Also, many schools are moving towards online classrooms where students and teachers meet over the Internet. In the future,virtually everything, including classroom materials, will be done on the Internet.

  It seems apparent to me that, twenty years from now, books and other printed materials will disappear thanks to the growing use of computers, concern for the environment, and an emphasis on nontraditional learning methods. In the future, students will no longer worry about carrying huge bags of books to and from school.

  (《新东方:新托福考试专项进阶--高级写作》 ,p. 280)


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