

2022-09-08 16:08




  2. (technology)

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  People should not be allowed to use mobile (cell) phones when they use public transportation (e.g. Buses, trains, and airplanes).

  Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  Cell phones have become commonplace in society, so much so that they are ubiquitous. However, people should be restricted from using them on public transportation because of the many negative factors involved. When taking public transportation, people are entitled to travel in a quiet and peaceful environment. This is just impossible, however, when there are numerous people chatting on their cell phones. I take the bus to school every day, and I have lost track of the number of times I have had to listen to people practically yelling into their call phones. I usually read or study on the bus, but I cannot concentrate on anything when someone nearby is busy loudly talking on his phone. There are too many of these rude people, and their actions should not be permitted on public transportation.

  Using cell phones at the improper time while on public transportation can also lead to trouble. In some cases, the callers may actually constitute a legitimate threat to the vehicle, crew, and passengers. For instance, cell phones are not allowed to be used on airplanes because they interfere with planes’ communication and navigation systems. Even though flight attendants make announcements about this, there are still inconsiderate people who insist upon using their phones. Only a disaster directly caused by a cell phone may alert those people as to the dangers of using cell phones on airplanes.

  While in public, people need to be more aware of their situations so that they will not hurt themselves. By using their phones on buses or subways, people may sometimes put themselves in danger. Just the other day I saw a man have an accident while getting off the bus. He was busy talking on his phone when he slipped and fell on the ground. I heard that he broke his leg. I am sure that he now regrets using his cell phone while taking public transportation.

  In summary, I believe cell phones should be banned on all public transportation because they not only disturb people’s rights to quiet and peaceful rides. But they can also endanger the safety of others and the person actually using the phone. People should have to wait to use their phones until they are no longer using public transportation.

  (《新东方:新托福考试专项进阶--高级写作》 ,p. 263)


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