

2022-10-20 15:00
















1)题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Educating young people about healthy food is important and should not be the job of families alone; it should also be the responsibility of schools to teach their students about healthy eating.


Healthy eating habit indeed largely contributes to a more excellent life condition for each member of the society, in which the young may seem to be in desperate need of having healthy diet. From my perspective, education them would also be the schools’ responsibility.

To begin with, students spend the majority of time on campus, having more positive effect on their conception of health eating. Obviously, the main reason is that since elementary school, the young are required to attend school day for most of the time in a year, leading them to be absorbed in the school life for longer period of time compared with staying at home. Consequently, the education of the school could indeed affect the students more completely to some extent. Taking a general student as an example, beginning at primary school or even preschool courses, the learning period has occupied almost nine months in a year of a single student, who tends to be influenced more by the school education rather than the simple instructions from family members. Thus, students would be easily and considerably affected once the school is determined to educate them with more details of healthy diet. However, though tending to be intimate to parents, students indeed could stay with them for very limited time, whose suggestions would have slight imprint in their mind.

Besides that, schools, as educational institutions, have more professional approaches to educate students with more acceptable methods. Clearly, educators, including professors on campus, possess more both professional academic knowledge and persuasive methods to explain the healthy diet to students. Compared with that, family members are more likely to provide little tips such as recommending healthy vegetables as daily diet. The story occurring myself could perfectly prove this statement. As a high school student, we naturally stepped into the period of learning different processes of plants, when our professor suddenly explained how various plants generate vitamins, which could be utilized and help the cycle of the blood. Astonished by how vivid he presented; I was determined to eat more specific vegetables including tons of vitamins for almost another month. Indeed, my parents’ daily rumors of the significance of vegetables never had the same result, due to lacking professional support.

To put everything in a nutshell, professors’ education at school can enable students to have more thorough effect on students’ life with more professional approach.


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