Me time
2015-06-29 15:08
Me time 私人专属时间

Are you tired of doing everything for others? Take some me time!
The script of this programme 本节目台词
Feifei: 欢迎收听BBC英语教学制作的《地道英语》节目。大家好,我是冯菲菲。
Rob: …and me, Rob. Hello. I'm afraid I won't be here for long, Feifei.
Feifei: Why? What's happened, Rob?
Rob: Well, I have so much to do. I have to write some texts, I am presenting this and two other programmes, and … yes, I have to upload material to our website…
Feifei: That's a lot to do, and you look stressed.
Rob: Yeah. It's not just that… I have to take my son to school, my cat to the vet, buy my wife a birthday present...
Feifei: Rob, 你也太忙了点儿吧。You need some 'me time'!
Rob: Oh yes, I do! That would be brilliant! Me time is an expression which means time we have for ourselves to do just what we want. Yes, I really do need some me time.
Feifei: Me time 这个表达的意思是属于自己的、用来放松的、做自己想做的事情的私人时间。下面我们来听几个使用 me time 的例句。
- I've just sent my mum to a spa in the countryside. She's been taking care of the whole family and is really in need of some me time!
- A: Oh, six in the morning! I'm going to be late for work!
- B: Ignore the alarm clock today. It's Sunday! Stay in bed till late and have some me time.
Feifei: 哎,我觉得 Rob 的生活这够忙碌的,要不我做个好人给他点儿“私人时间”。You know, Rob, these examples have inspired me so much that I'll let you have some me time for the rest of the programme.
Rob: Really?!
Feifei: Yes. What do you like to do to relax?
Rob: Well… I'd like to …
Feifei: Yes?
Rob: What I'd like, I'd really really like is… to take a nap. And now I'm going to do just that. OK. Thanks Feifei. Bye everyone!
Feifei: Rob? Rob? 睡着了,咱们就让他安静的休息会儿吧。谢谢大家收听,我们下次再会。Bye!

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