1. We nearly missed the deadline, but just managed to succeed in submitting the proposal _________.
a) in the nick of time
b) with all the time in the world
c) by taking our time
d) because time is the great healer
2. I’ve been working for 18 hours in a row. I’m absolutely _________.
a) full of beans
b) cheesed off
c) knackered
d) gobsmacked
3. Which is the most informal colloquial word or phrase?
A: _________ for picking me up from the airport.
B: You’re welcome.
a) Thanks
b) Thank you
c) Thank you so much
d) Cheers
4. I’ve just been accepted to study at my chosen university. I’m _________.
a) well done
b) well chuffed
c) well over it
d) well heeled
5. You look a bit _________. You should see a doctor.
a) over the moon
b) under the weather
c) between jobs
d) beside yourself
6. There’s room on the sofa for me if you _________ a bit.
a) dress up
b) cheer up
c) clam up
d) budge up
1) a, 2) c, 3) d, 4) b, 5) b, 6) d.