英国出版商协会( Publishers Association )发布的最新年度报告显示,去年儿童书籍帮助英国图书销售创下 35 亿英镑的新纪录。虽然电子阅读器越来越普及,但电子书籍的销售额却下降至 5.38 亿英镑。报告中提到,健身类和自助书籍深受读者喜爱。非小说类书籍的销量增长了 9% ,而小说类书籍的销量却下降了 7% 。请听 Rory Cellan-Jones 的报道。
With the rise of the Kindle and other e-readers, it did once look as though the publishing industry was going to suffer a period of severe digital disruption.
But last year, sales of physical books rose by 8%, with readers showing particular enthusiasm for non-fiction and children’s books. Meanwhile, there was a 17% fall in sales of consumer e-books, although online journals, academic titles and audio books helped the publishing industry boost its overall digital revenues.
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child was the bestselling book of 2016, with 1.5 million copies sold. It seems parents are much happier seeing children reading on paper rather than screens.
the rise of 崛起、兴起
severe 严重的
digital disruption 电子(书籍)引起的(市场)干扰
enthusiasm 热情
non-fiction 非小说类纪实文学作品
online journals 在线期刊、杂志
academic titles 学术性书籍
audio books 有声读物、音频书籍
boost 增加
revenues 收入
1. What is a Kindle?
2. What kinds of books contributed to the increase in physical book sales?
3. True or false? Parents prefer children to read books on digital devices.
4. Which word in the text means ‘selling in greater quantities than others of the same kind’?
1. What is a Kindle?
Kindle is a type of e-reader. Books are stored digitally on an e-reader.
2. What kinds of books contributed to the increase in physical book sales?
Non-fiction books and children’s books contributed to the increase of physical book sales by 8%.
3. True or false? Parents prefer children to read books on digital devices.
False. Parents prefer children to read books on paper rather than on screens, hence the rise in children’s paper book sales.
4. Which word in the text means ‘selling in greater quantities than others of the same kind’?