
千奇百怪的博物馆 总有一个适合你

2018-11-29 13:58




There's a museum for everyone 千奇百怪的博物馆 总有一个适合你

一提到博物馆,不少人会想到 “国家博物馆”、“古代历史博物馆”、“艺术博物馆” 等常见的字眼。这类规模甚大的博物馆内通常陈列着和特定艺术、历史和文化有关的经典展品。但有一些博物馆则不遵循惯例,它们致力于收藏古怪而离奇的展品。幸好每个人的兴趣和品味都不同,所以总有那么一个能激起你的兴趣!本集《随身英语》介绍一些小众博物馆。

Vocabulary: the usual and unusual 词汇: 寻常的和非同寻常的事物

What comes to mind when you think of a museum? Perhaps you picture an imposing building in a rather traditional design made of high-quality stone? Perhaps you imagine one of the classic concepts, such as the museum of natural history, the museum of fine art, or the national museum - its exhibits displayed in a time-honoured style and falling in line with convention.

Some people might consider these customary institutions the best way to safeguard the future of typical educational topics. A museum of antique breadboards, they may say, does not constitute an orthodox or legitimate exhibition. But according to the Museums Association, a museum is defined as a place enabling "…people to explore collections for inspiration, learning and enjoyment."  And so of the 2500 estimated museums in the UK, a few are bound to be considered a little unconventional, eccentric or even niche. No matter how atypical your interest, there's a museum for you!

What about Neil Cole's Adventures in Science Fiction? This quirky museum of classic science fiction was opened by founder Neil Cole. Visitors to this Allendale attraction in Northumberland can see items ranging from props used in the BBC series Dr Who to part of Thor's costume from the Avengers movie. "Science fiction has become more mainstream so I thought people might want to see this," says Mr Cole.

If clocks are more to your taste, why not visit the Cuckooland Museum? Set up by brothers Roman and Maz Piekarski, this Cheshire collection of over 600 cuckoo clocks is considered to be the largest of its kind in the world – and all from the Black Forest region in Germany.

Finally, you could visit the Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities in London. This offbeat, alternative institution bucks the trend of educating visitors through written explanations alongside its curios. Instead, it displays all of its kooky treasures, which include dodo bones, shrunken heads and a collection of McDonald's Happy Meal toys, with no explanation at all. 

These are just a few examples. There are many more wonderful institutions out there that march to the beat of their own drum. All you have to do is go and find them!


traditional 传统的
classic 典型的、经典的
time-honoured 由来已久的
fall in line with 遵循
convention 惯例
customary 惯有的、传统的
typical 有代表性的、典型的
orthodox 正统的
unconventional 不同寻常的
eccentric 古怪的
niche 小众的
atypical 非典型的,不寻常的
quirky 离奇古怪的
mainstream 主流的
offbeat 别具一格的
alternative 另类的
buck the trend 逆势而行
kooky 怪诞的
march to the beat of your own drum 特立独行,按自己的风格走


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What examples of typical museum titles does the article list?

2. What makes a museum according to the Museums Association?

3. Why did Neil Cole decide to open his museum?

4. In what way is the Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities different to many other museums?

5. Which word used in the article means 'an unusual object'?

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. After being asked "How do you do?" the ______ is to reply, "How do you do?"

classic       convention       customary       typical

2. I don't like pop music. It's far too ______. I much prefer alternative bands.

time-honoured       atypical       offbeat       mainstream

3. She's lovely, but a bit ______. At our formal dinner, she dressed up as a vampire!

customary       traditional       buck the trend       quirky

4. Follow your passions, not what society tells you to do. Be yourself and ______ your own drum.

bang       play       march to the beat of       beat to the march of

5. The programme is a little _________ so it doesn't appeal to everybody.

fall in line       customary       orthodox       niche


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What examples of typical museum titles does the article list?
The article exemplifies 'the museum of natural history', 'the museum of fine art', and 'the national museum'.

2. What makes a museum according to the Museums Association?
According to the Museums Association, a museum is defined as a place enabling "…people to explore collections for inspiration, learning and enjoyment."

3. Why did Neil Cole decide to open his museum?
He says, "Science fiction has become more mainstream so I thought people might want to see this."

4. In what way is the Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities different to many other museums?
It does not accompany its curios with written explanations. In fact, no explanations are given at all.

5. Which word used in the article means 'an unusual object'?
Curio (This offbeat, alternative institution bucks the trend of educating visitors through written explanations alongside its curios.)

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. After being asked "How do you do?" the convention is to reply, "How do you do?"

2. I don't like pop music. It's far too mainstream. I much prefer alternative bands.

3. She's lovely, but a bit quirky. At our formal dinner, she dressed up as a vampire!

4. Follow your passions, not what society tells you to do. Be yourself and march to the beat of your own drum.

5. The programme is a little niche so it doesn't appeal to everybody.


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