

2019-04-19 10:01




小测验 — 现在完成时的三个标志词:just/yet/already

Learning English: China Quizzes - Present perfect (just, yet, already): Images/Getty

“Just、yet” 和 “already” 都是常用于现在完成时中的表时间的状语。在使用的过程中,应该注意它们在句子中的位置。如能掌握这三个副词的含义,则可以更准确地理解句意。

小提示:在现在完成时的语句中,单词 “just” 指刚刚发生过的动作;“yet” 表示到现在为止尚未发生的事情;而 “already” 强调比预期要早完成的动作。


1. I’ve read the book, but I ______.

a) haven’t seen yet the film version

b) haven’t seen the film version yet

c) yet haven’t seen the film version

d) haven’t seen the yet film version

2. Which of the following is correct?

a) You are so organised! You’ve written your essay already!

b) You are so organised! You’ve written your already essay!

c) You are so organised! You’ve written already your essay!

d) You are so organised! You’ve already your essay written!

3. Which of the following sentences is correct?

a) What’s the problem? Just I’ve told you how to do it!

b) What’s the problem? I’ve told you how just to do it!

c) What’s the problem? I’ve just told you how to do it!

d) What’s the problem? I’ve told you how to do it just!

4. Have you explained the issue to your boss ______?

a) already

b) just

c) just now

d) yet

5. I’ve ______ come back from America, so I don’t think I’ll be going there again for a while.

a) just

b) yet

c) already

d) as yet

6. I’ve ______ seen all her old paintings. Do you know if she has painted anything new recently?

a) just

b) already

c) yet

d) as yet

7. Which of the following sentences is correct?

a) I had some tea already, thank you.

b) I just had some tea, thank you.

c) I have had some tea yet, thank you.

d) I have just had some tea, but thanks anyway.

8. Which of the following sentences is correct?

a) I already started living in Madrid, I love it here.

b) I haven’t started living in Madrid yet, so I don’t know what it will be like.

c) I have just lived in Madrid, and I want to stay here forever!

d) I already lived in Madrid, so now I want to see what it’s like living in Barcelona.


1) b, 2) a, 3) c, 4) d, 5) a, 6) b, 7) d, 8) b.


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