

2019-05-05 14:17




小测验 — 谈论个人偏好的英语句式

Learning English: China Quizzes - Expressing preference: Images/Getty

你喜欢独自旅行还是参团出游?结账时,你喜欢用现金还是银行卡?生活中,在被问及对某样东西的感觉,或需要对不同物品作出选择时,人们则需要表明自己更喜欢什么。在这类情况下,我们通常会使用 “would + prefer” 或 “would + rather” 的结构来表达自己的偏爱、偏好。除了这两种句式以外,还可以怎样表达自己对事物的偏爱?做小测验题,学习用来谈论个人喜好的英语词汇和句式。

1. I ______ travelling alone to travelling in a group.

a) think better

b) don’t mind

c) prefer

d) enjoy

2. Complete B’s response so that it expresses preference.
A: We request that customers please pay by credit card, but do accept cash or cheques.
B: ______

a) Yes, OK.

b) Is it OK to pay in cash?

c) Let me just see if I’ve got my cheque book.

d) I would rather pay in cash, thanks.

3. Which of the following sentences shows preference correctly?

a) I’d believe it if you didn’t say anything to Zadie.

b) I’d prefer it if you didn’t say anything to Zadie about this.

c) I’d be surprised if you didn’t say anything to Zadie about this.

d) I’d be excited if you didn’t say anything to Zadie about this.

4. Which of the following sentences shows preference correctly?

a) I’d like to go to Rome, but Paris too!

b) Paris or Rome? What should I do?

c) You can go to both Paris and Rome!

d) I’d sooner go to Rome than go to Paris.

5. Complete B’s response so that it expresses preference.
A: Do you prefer to read books or watch TV series?
B: ______

a) Neither, really.

b) By choice, I find reading more enjoyable.

c) I can’t really say.

d) I find them equally enjoyable.

6. I’ll have a cup of tea please, __________ strong.

a) preferably

b) prefer

c) rather

d) sooner

7. I’d ______ it if you didn’t bring your bike into the house. It makes the carpet dirty.

a) sooner

b) prefer

c) rather

d) preferably

8. Which of the following does not express preference?

a) If it’s going to take you all day to do that, I’d sooner do it myself.

b) I’d like a house near the sea, preferably by the beach.

c) I’d prefer to go to a vegetarian restaurant than a burger bar.

d) It doesn’t matter to me either way.


1) c, 2) d, 3) b, 4) d, 5) b, 6) a, 7) b, 8) d.


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