

2019-05-05 14:19




First ever black hole image released 科学家公布首张黑洞照片

天文学家们拍到了史上首张黑洞照片。照片中的黑洞位于遥远的星系中,直径达  400 亿公里。它被科学家们称为 “一个怪物”。


A black hole is an object that has such a large gravitational pull, not even light can escape. It devours all that comes in its vicinity. The one photograph measures 25 billion miles across – that’s three million times the size of the Earth.

黑洞是一种引力极强的天体,连光都无法逃脱。它能吞噬一切邻近的物质。这张照片中的黑洞直径为 250 亿英里,是地球的 300 万倍。

The image shows an intensely white ring of fire. The lower half is considerably brighter, creating the impression of a smile amid the darkness of the cosmos. It's caused by superheated gas falling into the hole and is brighter than all the billions of other stars in the galaxy combined.


The ring surrounds a dark circle, which is the black hole itself. The image matches what theoretical physicists and indeed Hollywood directors, imagine black holes to look like. But having their first real picture will enable researchers to learn more about the nature of space and time and ultimately our own existence.


1. 词汇

gravitational pull 引力
devours 吞噬
vicinity 附近、邻近
intensely 极强地
the cosmos 宇宙
superheated 过热的
galaxy 星系
theoretical physicists 理论物理学家
ultimately 最终、归根结底
existence 存在

2. 阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题 。

1. True or false? This black hole contains all the billions of stars found in the galaxy.

2. In terms of size, how does this black hole compare with the Earth?

3. What cannot escape from this black hole?

4. Which part of the photograph shows the actual black hole?

3. 答案

1. True or false? This black hole contains all the billions of stars found in the galaxy.
False. The white ring of fire around the black hole is brighter than all the billions of other stars in the galaxy combined.

2. In terms of size, how does this black hole compare with the Earth?
This black hole is twenty five billion miles across – that’s three million times the size of the Earth.

3. What cannot escape from this black hole?
Not even light can escape from the black hole.

4. Which part of the photograph shows the actual black hole?
It is the dark circle in the photograph which is the black hole itself.


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