
老兵重返诺曼底 纪念 “D日” 75 周年

2019-06-18 14:43




D-Day veterans return to commemorate 75th anniversary 老兵重返诺曼底 纪念 “D日” 75 周年

今年是诺曼底登陆 75 周年。1944年,盟军通过诺曼底海滩入侵纳粹占领的法国。不到 11 个月,纳粹德国被盟军击败。75 年后,“MV 布狄卡(MV Boudicca)” 号游轮乘载 300 名年龄在 90 到 101 岁之间的老兵重返诺曼底海滩,纪念他们当年的 “诺曼底之旅”,让他们重温旅程,并向所有未能归来的士兵致敬。


They were young men when they wrote their last letters home before boarding ships and landing craft for a cross-Channel journey into the unknown. Now, they're returning – honouring the thousands who never came back and who lie in the cemeteries of Normandy. Seven thousand vessels landed over a hundred and thirty thousand British, Canadian and U.S. troops on five D-Day beaches.

当年他们都是年轻的小伙子,在登上船只和登陆艇前往一切未卜的英吉利海峡之前,给家里写下了最后一封信。现在,他们将重返诺曼底,向数千名再也没有回来、埋葬在诺曼底墓地的士兵致敬。7000 艘船只,载着超过 13 万人的英国、加拿大和美国部队在 “D日” 的五个海滩登陆。

This will be the last time many veterans are able to share those memories. Aged between 90 and 101, those aboard the Boudicca are determined to make the most of it.

这将是许多老兵最后一次分享他们回忆的机会。即将搭乘 “MV 布狄卡(MV Boudicca)” 号游轮的这些年龄在90岁到101岁之间的老兵们决心充分利用这次机会,回忆当年抗战点滴。

1. 词汇表

landing craft 登陆艇
cross-Channel journey 横跨英吉利海峡的旅程
honour 向…致敬
cemeteries 墓地
vessels 船只
troops 部队,军队
veterans 老兵,退伍军人
make the most of it 充分利用

2. 阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题 。

1. Where did the ships and landing craft take the men?

2. Why are the men returning to the D-Day landing sites?

3. How many men were landed on the five D-Day beaches?

4. Why could this be the last time that many veterans are able to share their memories?

3. 答案

1. Where did the ships and landing craft take the men?
The ships and landing craft took the men on a cross-Channel journey - across the English Channel.

2. Why are the men returning to the D-Day landing sites?
They are returning to honour the memory of the thousands who did not return.

3. How many men were landed on the five D-Day beaches?
Over a hundred and thirty thousand British, Canadian and U.S. troops were landed on the five D-Day beaches.

4. Why could this be the last time that many veterans are able to share their memories?
Those veterans returning on this occasion are aged between 90 and 101.


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