

2020-04-21 17:58




The popularity of kosher food 引领饮食潮流的犹太洁食

你听说过 “洁食” 吗?“洁食” 是符合犹太教规的食物。不过现在有许多非犹太人也在尝试犹太洁食。这类食物和其它食物有什么不同之处呢?为什么如此受欢迎?吃洁食有什么好处? 本文讨论为什么 “洁食” 比以往任何时候都更受欢迎。

词汇:regulations 规定

Have you ever eaten kosher food? That's food which conforms to the Jewish dietary regulations of kashrut. These regulations forbid consuming pork or shellfish of any kind, for example. Meat from other animals, such as cows and lamb, are OK provided restrictions are met. But they must be slaughtered according to set guidelines. All kosher rulings are overseen by trained rabbis from a kosher certification agency. They inspect, uphold and grant rights to label a food kosher. Ordinarily, kosher food is associated with the Jewish faith, but it's becoming very popular among non-Jews too.

According to the Jewish telegraphic agency, as of 2018 there were approximately 7.5 million Jews in the United States. But, according to a study by the Quartz business news website, 41% of all packaged foodstuffs there are certified kosher. In fact, the global kosher food market is predicted to rise to $60 billion in annual sales by 2025 - according to PR Newswire, a press release distribution network.

Why might this be? One reason is the possible perception that kosher food is cleaner or healthier. Another is the guarantee that certain allergens, such as shellfish, will definitely not be permitted. And its protocols mean anyone seeking to avoid certain animal-based ingredients, such as gelatine, can do so. 

"It appeals to a more health-conscious consumer", says Menachem Lubinsky, CEO of Lubicom. They're the organiser of "Kosherfest", a two-day event that advertises itself as 'the world's largest and most attended kosher-certified products trade show'. In 2019, at its 31st event in New Jersey, attendance was up from the previous year by 800, and 300 new products were on display. In addition, non-Jewish-owned companies from places such as Pakistan, South Korea and Italy  were in attendance. 

So keep your eyes peeled for an authorised kosher trademark the next time you're food shopping. Based on their popularity to date, it might not be long before we're all eating a little something kosher.


conform 符合,遵守
regulation 规则,规定
forbid 禁止
restriction 限制
according to 按照,根据
guidelines 准则,标准
ruling 决定,裁定
oversee 监管
uphold 维护
grant (the) right to 授予……权利
certified 有合格证书的,获得资格的
guarantee 保证
permit 允许
protocol 规定
authorised 认证的,授权的
trademark 商标


1.  阅读课文并回答问题。

1. Which two foods mentioned in the article are not kosher?

2. What is the global kosher food market expected to rise to by 2025?

3. Why might vegetarians be interested in some kosher food?

4. What does Menachem Lubinsky say about kosher food?

5. True or false: Only Jewish organisations attended Kosherfest.

2. 选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1.When signing the contract, employees agree to _______ to the company's rules.

conform                         oversee                      uphold                       permit

2. This visa will _______ the right to live and work in Europe for the next year.

forbid                            restrict                         certify                        grant

3. My TV broke, but it's under _______ so they'll repair it for free for me.

regulation                      guideline                     guarantee                 certification

4. As a manager you are _______ to adjust your team's wages as you see fit.

authorised                      guaranteed                 restricted                  forbidden

5. All items on sale are discounted by 20%, though certain _______ apply.

regulations                     guidelines                   certifications               restrictions


1.  阅读课文并回答问题。  

1. Which two foods mentioned in the article are not kosher?
Kosher regulations forbid consuming pork or shellfish of any kind.

2. What is the global kosher food market expected to rise to by 2025?
It is predicted to rise to $60 billion in annual sales by 2025.

3. Why might vegetarians be interested in some kosher food?
Anyone seeking to avoid certain animal-based ingredients, such as gelatine, can do so.

4. What does Menachem Lubinsky say about kosher food?
It 'appeals to a more health-conscious consumer', says Menachem Lubinsky.

5. True or false: Only Jewish organisations attended Kosherfest.
False. Not only were the expected Jewish-owned companies in attendance, but firms not owned or run by Jews.

2. 选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. When signing the contract, employees agree to conform to the company's rules.

2. This visa will grant the right to live and work in Europe for the next year. 

3. My TV broke, but it's under guarantee so they'll repair it for free for me.

4. As a manager you are authorised to adjust your team's wages as you see fit.

5. All items on sale are discounted by 20%, though certain restrictions apply.


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