

2020-09-02 14:17




How to improve your sleep 如何改善睡眠质量

有很多关于改善睡眠质量和增加睡眠时间的观念是错误的,其中一些甚至会对人们的健康造成损害。坐在电视机前打盹,一直躺在床上以帮助睡眠……这些方式可能并不像你想象的那样有益处。本文介绍一些可以帮助你改善睡眠质量的方法,以及一些关于 “睡眠” 的词汇。

词汇:sleep 睡眠

Sleeping is important, but we all know that, right? Many people have experienced strange sleeping patterns, weird dreams and a feeling of restlessness and drowsiness during the coronavirus lockdown, despite a good night’s sleep. So what sort of things can help you to improve your sleep?

There's a plethora of myths related to sleep, some of which can be quite damaging for our health. Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher famously claimed that she only hit the sack for five hours a night. But according to experts this is detrimental to health. Likewise, kipping in front of the TV is another thing to avoid. The bright lights can prevent you from entering deep sleep.

From a young age we're told to count sheep to help us to nod off, with some choosing to stay in bed to battle with insomnia. However, some experts advise getting up and doing something mindless, like folding socks, to help us get in the mood to catch forty winks.

Psychologist Seth J. Gillihan PhD recommends walking to help in the battle against insomnia. He talks about a sleep study published in the journal Sleep Health which suggests that those who walk slightly more will experience better quality and duration of sleep. Watching what you eat or drink can also improve the amount of REM, or rapid eye movement you experience.

If you're a snorer, you might also want to take note. While most snoring is harmless, it could be a sign of sleep apnoea, with people suffering from the condition more likely to have strokes or heart attacks, irregular heartbeats or high blood pressure.

Finally, a decent nap, or even a power nap, can help you to be more alert, calm and focussed. So while there are some good tips like exercising or folding socks to help us get a good night's sleep, sometimes a good afternoon's sleep can help us tackle the day ahead.


sleeping patterns 睡眠规律
restlessness 焦躁不安,躁动
drowsiness 睡意朦胧,昏昏欲睡
hit the sack 上床睡觉
kip 睡觉,打盹
deep sleep 深度睡眠
count sheep 数绵羊
nod off 打瞌睡
insomnia 失眠
catch forty winks 打盹,小睡
REM(rapid eye movement) 快速眼动睡眠
snorer 睡觉打呼噜的人
sleep apnoea 睡眠呼吸暂停
nap 小睡, 打盹
power nap 能量盹
a good night's sleep 睡个好觉


1.  阅读课文并回答问题。

1. Which famous person claimed she only slept for five hours a night?

2. Why is falling asleep in front of the TV a bad idea?

3. What should you do instead of staying in bed to battle insomnia?

4. What could snoring be a sign of?

5. What are the benefits of a power nap?

2.  选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. I can't sleep at night cause of his endless _______­!

snorer                         snoring                      snore                           snored

2. A good walk can help you to _______ forty winks.

caught                        catching                     catch                           catches

3. I wish she would _______ sheep in her head!

counting                     counts                        counted                       count

4. A good power _______ in the afternoon can help you to survive the day.

napped                       nap                             naps                           napping

5.  I feel really _______ today. I had a terrible night's sleep!

restless                      rest                             resting                         restlessness


1.  阅读课文并回答问题。  

1. Which famous person claimed she only slept for five hours a night?
Margaret Thatcher, the ex-prime minister of the UK.

2. Why is falling asleep in front of the TV a bad idea?
The bright lights of the TV can prevent you from falling into a deep sleep.

3. What should you do instead of staying in bed to battle insomnia? 
Try getting up and doing something mindless, like folding socks.

4. What could snoring be a sign of?
It could be a sign of sleep apnoea, with people suffering from the condition more likely to have strokes or heart attacks, irregular heart-beats or high blood pressure.

5. What are the benefits of a power nap?
It can help you to be more alert, calm and focussed.

2 选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. I can't sleep at night cause of his endless snoring!

2. A good walk can help you to catch forty winks.

3. I wish she would count sheep in her head!

4. A good power nap in the afternoon can help you to survive the day.

5. I feel really restless today. I had a terrible night's sleep! 


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