
Could procrastination be beneficial? 拖延是否也有益处

2021-07-12 16:02




Could procrastination be beneficial? 拖延是否也有益处

你有 “拖延症” 吗?现代人经常把拖延视为一个坏习惯,但在节奏紧张的都市生活中,适当地歇一歇也许对身心健康有益。本期 “随身英语” 讨论拖延是否也有益处。

词汇:modern life 现代生活

Procrastination is often seen as the enemy of productivity. Images of lazy people with feet up on desks or wasting time to dodge work spring to mind at the very mention of the word. And there are many things which indicate that procrastination is a problem which needs addressing. But could there be some benefits to it too?

We live in a high-octane world – always on the go, racing from one task to another. And at times, duties, be it work or personal, can feel relentless – with our nose constantly to the grindstone. Sometimes we just need to switch off, chill out and reboot. A little procrastination can help detach us from the pressures of modern life. According to psychotherapist F Diane Barth, watching TV, taking a long bath or listening to music can help us to ease off.

And it’s possible that procrastination has become more prevalent during the pandemic. With many countries going through lockdowns, some of us have suddenly found ourselves with more time – not having the hours of commutes, or options of social activities we once took for granted. Being at home, many of us quickly discovered that it is impossible to be productive 24-7. That extra relaxation can help us to be more productive or creative in the long run, allowing us to clear our minds and focus better.

The issue is that many of us see that time not working as lost time. And we almost develop a sense of guilt related to not making the most of every moment. German sociologist and economist Max Weber says that we’ve almost got to the point of believing that the busier we are, the better, and that there is a sense of morality connected with time usage. It seems important to remember that taking a little time away from yourself is not just slacking off.

So, while being productive is important, it seems that some amount of downtime and procrastination can help us to relax and become more focussed. The next time you feel really stressed, why not try wasting a little time? You might just like it.


productivity 生产力
feet up 脚翘在桌子上,指休息放松
dodge 躲避,逃避
address 设法解决,应对
high-octane 充满活力的
on the go 忙个不停
duty 责任,义务
relentless 一刻不停的,没完没了的
nose to the grindstone 埋头苦干
switch off 不再关注,不再想
chill out (疲劳后)放松一下
reboot 重新投入
ease off 减轻压力
take for granted 想当然,把...视为理所应当的
in the long run 从长远来看
make the most of 充分利用
slack off 偷懒,懈怠
downtime 休息时间


1.  阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What do some of us imagine when hearing the word ‘procrastination’?

2. What activities, according to F Diane Barth, can help you relax?

3. What did some of us take for granted before the pandemic?

4. What does Max Weber say we’ve almost got to the point of believing?

5. What can downtime help us to do?

2.  选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. Why don’t you just relax and put your _______ on the chair.

dodge                          feet up                          relentless                 downtime

2. I’ve decided to _______ the most of the day and go scuba-diving.

feet up                         make                             slack                        do

3. Get back to work and don’t _______ off!

slack                            dodge                            feet up                     downtime

4. The first issue I wish to _______ in the meeting is about funds.

address                        downtime                      feet up                     chill out

5. We should take a shortcut if you want to _______ the traffic jam.

chill out                         feet up                          dodge                      relentless


1.  阅读课文并回答问题。  

1. What do some of us imagine when hearing the word ‘procrastination’?
Images of lazy people with feet up on desks or wasting time to dodge work.

2. What activities, according to F Diane Barth, can help you relax?
Watching TV, taking a long bath or listening to music can help us to ease off.

3. What did some of us take for granted before the pandemic?
The option of social activities around our daily working lives.

4. What does Max Weber say we’ve almost got to the point of believing?
That being busier makes us better.

5. What can downtime help us to do?
Some amount of downtime and procrastination can help us to relax and become more focussed.

2.  选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. Why don’t you just relax and put your feet up on the chair.

2. I’ve decided to make the most of the day and go scuba-diving.

3. Get back to work and don’t slack off!

4. The first issue I wish to address in the meeting is about funds.

5. We should take a shortcut if you want to dodge the traffic jam. 


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