
How should you clean your teeth? 怎样正确地清洁牙齿?

2021-08-16 00:07




How should you clean your teeth? 怎样正确地清洁牙齿?

我们小时候都学过该怎样刷牙。但你知道如何清洁牙齿才最 有效吗?每天该什么时候刷牙?是否需要刷够一定的时间,或使用一定的技巧?本期 “随身英语” 围绕这件每日必行之事展开讨论。

词汇:teeth 牙齿

We all know that cleaning our teeth is important, right? Because, if you don’t clean them and things go wrong, they can cause you a lot of pain and discomfort. We’re taught from a young age how to clean our teeth, but the question is – do we all clean our teeth in the same way? Is there a specific time, technique, or duration you should be incorporating into your dental routine?

When our milk teeth first appear in our infant years, we are shown, often by our parents, how to clean them – a ritual normally accompanied by some kind of catchy song. As we mature, our baby teeth drop out, replaced by adult teeth. And soon it’s from trips to the dentists that we get more advice. And that’s the issue – when trying to discover the best way to brush your teeth, it feels like there are so many different tips and tricks.

University College London (UCL) analysed 66 sources of toothbrushing advice from around the world. The most commonly recommended techniques incorporated circular movements and horizontal brush strokes. However, there were some deviations. The angle of the brush, use of vertical movements and rigorous scrubbing were all variations on brushing advice.

And it seems that not one single technique is the standard method – so, if that’s the case, how do we know if we’re doing it right? Well – there is some standard advice. It seems that brushing for between two to three minutes, two or three times a day, is the best course of action. And if you’re one of these people who think it’s wise to brush straight after sugary foods to prevent decay, think again. Apparently, bacteria weaken the enamel almost immediately upon eating, so it’s wiser to wait for an hour or so before brushing.

So, while there is not one standardised technique, most dentists recommend a combination of horizontal and circular movements, lasting for between two to three minutes, two or three times a day. Do that, and you might not need too many trips to the dentist.


technique 技巧
milk teeth 乳齿
ritual 例行公事
accompanied 伴随着
catchy 好听易记的,朗朗上口的
baby teeth 乳牙
toothbrushing 刷牙
circular 绕圈的
horizontal 横的,水平的
stroke (刷)一下
angle 角度
brush 牙刷
vertical 竖的,垂直的
rigorous 严谨细致的
scrub 用力刷、擦
sugary 含糖的
decay 蛀牙,龋齿
enamel 牙釉质


1.  阅读课文并回答问题。

1. True or false? Our parents often use a song to help teach us how to brush our teeth.

2. How many different sources of toothbrushing information were analysed in the UCL study?

3. What was the most commonly recommended technique?

4. How many times a day should you brush your teeth?

5. How long should you brush your teeth for?

2.  选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. I prefer water to _______ drinks.

sugary                           scrubbing                        enamel                      regulate

2. I spent all day _______ the floor. It’s still not clean!

catchy                           scrubbing                        rigorous                     decay

3. The accountants carried out a _______ check of my finances.

strokes                          enamel                           rigorous                     horizontal

4. I can’t stop singing that song – it’s really _______.

baby teeth                     catchy                            strokes                       scrubbing 

5. Brush your teeth to help stop tooth _______.

decay                            ritual                              catchy                         rigorous   


1.  阅读课文并回答问题。  

1. True or false? Our parents often use a song to help teach us how to brush our teeth.
True. Our parents often use a catchy song to help us learn how to brush our teeth.

2. How many different sources of toothbrushing information were analysed in the UCL study?
UCL analysed 66 sources of information from around the world.

3. What was the most commonly recommended technique?
The most commonly recommended techniques incorporated circular movements and horizontal brush strokes.

4. How many times a day should you brush your teeth?
You should brush your teeth two to three times a day.

5. How long should you brush your teeth for?
You should brush your teeth for between two to three minutes.

2.  选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. I prefer water to sugary drinks.

2. I spent all day scrubbing the floor. It’s still not clean!

3. The accountants carried out a rigorous check of my finances.

4. I can’t stop singing that song – it’s really catchy.

5. Brush your teeth to help stop tooth decay


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