
Is EQ the secret to success? 情商是成功的秘诀吗?

2022-08-01 00:33




Is EQ the secret to success? 情商是成功的秘诀吗?


词汇:emotional intelligence 情商

According to research studies coming out of top US universities, having high emotional intelligence, or EQ, can help you to succeed, particularly at work.

The idea of emotional intelligence was introduced by psychologist John Mayer in the 90s and has gained popularity since, especially because it is said to be something that you can improve. Someone with high emotional intelligence can supposedly build strong relationships, achieve their goals and manage their emotions – key areas for success in most jobs!

It’s likely that, during your career, you will need to work in a team. A 2020 Harvard study, published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, investigated social skills and team players. They did this by grouping volunteers and giving them a variety of tricky problems. They then compared the top individual performers. Results showed two main reasons why these individuals excelled, both linked to emotional intelligence. The first reason was that they were very good at recognising the emotional state of their teammates. The second was that they helped to improve their team’s performance through motivation.

When researching links between emotion-understanding ability and risk-taking, a 2012 Yale study found emotional intelligence to be critical to decision making. Researchers investigated the way that leaders come to a decision when they are under pressure. The results revealed that participants with a high awareness of why they felt under pressure managed to keep a clearer head and were less likely to take risks. Being able to understand and manage emotions is a key part of EQ.

So, if you’re trying to succeed, work on your emotional intelligence and it may just make a difference!


psychologist 心理学家
popularity 受欢迎,流行
build strong relationships 建立良好的人际关系
achieve goals 达到目标
social skills 社交技能
team player 具有合作精神的人
group 把…分组
tricky 难办的
performer 表现得…的人
excel 表现出色,脱颖而出
state 状态
motivation 激发鼓励
emotion-understanding ability 情绪理解能力
risk-taking 冒险
critical 至关重要的
decision making 决策
under pressure 受到压力
awareness 意识
clearer 更清醒的


1.  阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What can someone with a high EQ supposedly do?

2. How did the Harvard study research team players?

3. True or false? A 2012 Yale study found that top team players motivate their teammates.

4. What did a 2012 Yale study investigate?

5. What are people with good emotion-understanding ability less likely to do?

2.  选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. Mariko _______ at spelling. She’s won another competition!

decides                        comes to                   comes out               excels

2. Setting clear _______ will help you focus and progress.

emotions                      goals                         state                        social skills

3. It took a few years to _______ their working relationship.

reason                          build                         clear                         compare

4. It is _______ that you follow the health and safety guidelines.

tricky                            critical                       risk-taking                helped

5. The president’s _______ has declined since he increased taxes.

popularity                     difference                  emotion                   intelligence


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。 

1. What can someone with a high EQ supposedly do?
They can build strong relationships, achieve their goals and manage their emotions.

2. How did the Harvard study research team players?
They grouped volunteers and gave them a variety of tricky problems.

3. True or false? A 2012 Yale study found that top team players motivate their teammates.
False. A 2020 Harvard study found that top team players motivate their teammates.

4. What did a 2012 Yale study investigate?
It researched links between emotion-understanding ability and risk-taking.

5. What are people with good emotion-understanding ability less likely to do?
They are less likely to take risks when making a decision.

2.  选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. Mariko excels at spelling. She’s won another competition!

2. Setting clear goals will help you focus and progress.

3. It took a few years to build their working relationship.

4. It is critical that you follow the health and safety guidelines.

5. The president’s popularity has declined since he increased taxes. 


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