
Is there a best time to exercise? 一天中有没有最佳的锻炼身体时间?

2022-08-08 01:26




Is there a best time to exercise? 一天中有没有最佳的锻炼身体时间?

锻炼身体这件事情无论在什么时候做都对你有好处。但是一天中是否有一个最佳的锻炼时间,可以让你从中得到最好的锻炼效果呢?本期 “随身英语” 节目就此展开讨论。

词汇:exercise 锻炼,运动

With our already busy lives, finding time to exercise can feel like one more thing on our ‘to do’ list. So maybe it would help if there was ‘a best time’ to exercise? Could exercising at certain times help maximise our fitness goals? The answer is ‘yes’, but it’s easier than you think – no matter who you are, or when you like to work out.

There are clear benefits to exercising in the morning. Many of us have more free time compared to later in the day, and it may therefore be easier for us to stick to a morning workout routine. A study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise found that participants who exercised in the morning, increased their physical activity throughout the day, were less distracted by food, and slept better. Exercising on an empty stomach before breakfast could also burn more fat and increase metabolism, which means you’ll continue to burn calories throughout the day.

So, good news for early birds, but what if you’re not a morning person? Working out in the afternoon or evening also has benefits, just different ones. For example, your body’s ability to perform peaks in the afternoon, according to a 2010 study by the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. Also, in the afternoon and evening, your reaction time is quickest, and your heart rate and blood pressure are lowest, which reduce your chance of injury while improving performance.

But does any of this change depending on whether you’re a man or a woman? Our bodies are different, after all, so the best time to exercise may be different too. A 2022 study from Skidmore College, New York, looked at exactly this question and the results showed that there are some differences. Want to reduce your blood pressure and you’re a woman? Exercise in the morning. Want to improve your heart health and you’re a man? Evening is better for you. But, ultimately, the study found that there are clear benefits for both sexes to exercising at either time of day.

So what time is best? It seems the answer is: whatever time is best for you!


fitness goal 健身目标
work out 锻炼身体
benefit (n) 优势,好处
stick to 坚持
workout 锻炼
participant 参与者
increase 提高
physical activity 体育活动
throughout the day 一整天
distracted (adj) 注意力分散的
burn 燃烧
fat 脂肪
metabolism 新陈代谢
peak (v) 达到顶峰
reaction time 反应时间
heart rate 心率
blood pressure 血压
reduce 降低
injury 伤,损伤
performance 表现,技能


1.  阅读课文并回答问题。

1. Why is it easier for some people to stick to a morning exercise routine?

2. True or False? Exercising in the morning means you are lazy later in the day.

3. When is the body most able to perform – morning or afternoon?

4. True or False? You can hurt yourself less exercising in the afternoon or evening.

5. I am a man and I want to make my heart healthier. When should I exercise according to a study from Skidmore College, New York?

2.  选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. I know that if I want to play the guitar well, I have to _______ it.

stick to                      work out                       increase          perform

2. It helps to have a fitness goal when you start a _______ routine.

physical activity         benefit                         workout           work out

3. When I have a big breakfast, I usually need to eat less _______.

metabolism                throughout the day      burn                reduce

4. There’s a _______ rain. Bring your umbrella.

throughout the day    increase                       chance of        performance

5. The dancers practised every day for weeks until their _______ improved.

perform                      performance                participant      benefit


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。 

1. Why is it easier for some people to stick to a morning exercise routine?
Because many people have more free time in the morning than later in the day.

2. True or False? Exercising in the morning means you are lazy later in the day.
False. Exercising in the morning can increase physical activity throughout the day.

3. When is the body most able to perform – morning or afternoon?
The body’s ability to perform peaks in the afternoon.

4. True or False? You can hurt yourself less exercising in the afternoon or evening.
True. In the afternoon and evening, your reaction time is quickest, and your heart rate and blood pressure are lowest, which reduce your chance of injury.

5. I am a man and I want to make my heart healthier. When should I exercise according to a study from Skidmore College, New York?
Evening. Evening exercise helps improve heart health in men according to a study from Skidmore College, New York.

2. 选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. I know that if I want to play the guitar well, I have to stick to it.

2. It helps to have a fitness goal when you start a workout routine.

3. When I have a big breakfast, I usually need to eat less throughout the day.

4. There’s a chance of rain. Bring your umbrella.

5. The dancers practised every day for weeks until their performance improved.   


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