
不愉快的梦 “有助于控制醒来时的恐惧” Bad dreams 'help to control fear when awake'

2023-03-20 08:28




Bad dreams 'help to control fear when awake' 不愉快的梦 “有助于控制醒来时的恐惧”


Our dreams – why we have them and what's in them – has long been a subject of fascination. Now, a new study, published in the journal Human Brain Mapping, demonstrates that dreams help us react better to frightening situations in our waking lives. 


Scientists from Geneva placed electrodes on 18 subjects whom they woke several times during the night. The researchers wanted to track brain activity during dreams, especially fearful ones. They found that regions of the brain react to fear in the same way while asleep and when awake.


The researchers next gave a dream diary to 89 participants for a week. At the end of the week, they were placed in a magnetic resonance imaging machine or MRI and shown emotionally negative images, such as assaults or distressful situations, as well as neutral images. Dr Lampros Perogamvros said he was surprised by the outcomes. 


These results reinforce a neuroscientific theory about dreams, that we simulate frightening situations while dreaming in order to better react to them once we're awake. Dr Perogamvros is also interested in nightmares, but he cautions they might not have the same beneficial role as fearful dreams. He says, unlike bad dreams, in which the level of fear is moderate, nightmares are characterised by an excessive level of fear that disrupts sleep and has a negative impact on the individual once awake.



fascination 着迷,入迷
react 应对、作出反应
waking 醒着的,清醒的
electrodes 电极
woke 叫醒了
brain activity 大脑活动
fearful 可怕的
asleep 睡着的
awake 醒着的
assaults 袭击,攻击
distressful 痛苦的
neutral 中性的
neuroscientific 神经科学的
simulate 模拟,模仿
nightmares 噩梦
moderate 适度的,适中的
disrupts 扰乱,打扰

2. 阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题。

1. True or false? The researchers especially wanted to track brain activity during dreams that made people feel frightened.

2. What does the new study mentioned in the text demonstrate?

3. Where did the researchers place the participants a week after they had given them a dream diary?

4. According to Dr Lampros Perogamvros, do nightmares also help us control our fear in reality?

3. 答案

1. True or false? The researchers especially wanted to track brain activity during dreams that made people feel frightened.
True. The researchers wanted to track brain activity during dreams, especially fearful ones.

2. What does the new study mentioned in the text demonstrate?
The new study, published in the journal Human Brain Mapping, demonstrates that dreams help us react better to frightening situations in our waking lives.

3. Where did the researchers place the participants a week after they had given them a dream diary?
They placed the participants in a magnetic resonance imaging machine or MRI.

4. According to Dr Lampros Perogamvros, do nightmares also help us control our fear in reality?
No. He cautions they may not have the same beneficial role as fearful dreams. According to him, nightmares are characterised by an excessive level of fear that disrupts sleep and has a negative impact on the individual once awake. 


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