
ChatGPT:用人工智能帮你做作业算作弊吗? ChatGPT: Is using AI to help with your school work cheating?

2023-03-27 06:35




ChatGPT: Is using AI to help with your school work cheating? ChatGPT:用人工智能帮你做作业算作弊吗?

学校是否能允许学生在做家庭作业时使用由人工智能生成的内容?国际文凭组织( International Baccalaureate )是一个为青少年提供水平考试替代方案的机构。该组织表示,学生可以在作文或论文中使用 ChatGPT (“聊天生成型预训练变换模型”,一种人工智能聊天机器人程序)生成的内容。

ChatGPT has taken the world by storm since it launched last November. The AI chatbot answers questions online in text form in a human-like way, and it can also write its responses in different styles, such as, for example, that of a student writing an essay.

自从去年11月推出以来,ChatGPT 已席卷全球。这个人工智能聊天机器人能够模仿人类的沟通方式以文本形式在线回答问题,它还能以不同的文风撰写回答,如以学生作文的形式回答问题。

Some teachers are worried about how many of their pupils are using it to do their homework for them and have written to parents warning them about it. Others say they can spot its prose, and there are now tools being released which claim to be able to differentiate human text from that written by artificial intelligence.

一些老师担心有很多学生在用 ChatGPT 做作业,并写信给家长对此进行提醒。另有一些老师说他们能辨识出聊天机器人的行文方式,同时现在有一些工具被陆续推出,据称可以辨别人类自创文本和人工智能生成的文本之间的不同。

But the cat is out of the bag, and now the International Baccalaureate says its students can take advantage of the tech, just like using a calculator to work out a maths problem, as long as they admit to it by both crediting ChatGPT in the text and adding a reference note at the end.

学生可以使用聊天机器人帮他们做作业这件事情已不再是秘密,现在国际文凭组织表示,他们的学生可以利用这项技术,就像用计算器解答数学问题一样,但前提是学生要承认使用了这项技术,在文本中注明信息出自 ChatGPT,并在文章末尾将其列入参考注释。

Good news for students, but ChatGPT's knowledge database only goes up to September 2021, so it's not very useful on topical subjects, and, as it gets its information from the internet, it can also be inaccurate.

虽然这对学生们来说是个好 消息,但 ChatGPT 的知识数据库只更新至2021年9月,因此该程序对于了解有关热门话题的信息来说并无大用,而且由于该程序是从互联网上获取信息,所以它提供的内容也可能不准确。


taken the world by storm 席卷全球,在全世界取得巨大成功
chatbot 聊天机器人
prose 散文,此处指 “文风,行文方式”
differentiate 区分,辨别
artificial intelligence 人工智能
the cat is out of the bag 秘密已经公开,来自表达 “let the cat out of the bag(说漏嘴)”
crediting 标注出处
inaccurate 不准确的


1. What can ChatGPT do in a human-like way?

2. Why have some teachers written to parents?

3. Who has said students can use the chatbot to help them with their work?

4. What are the risks to students of using ChatGPT for their schoolwork?


1. What can ChatGPT do in a human-like way?
ChatGPT answers questions online in text form in a human-like way.

2. Why have some teachers written to parents?
Teachers have written to parents because they are worried about how many of their pupils are using ChatGPT to do their homework for them.

3. Who has said students can use the chatbot to help them with their work?
An organisation that runs exams called International Baccalaureate says its students can take advantage of the tech.

4. What are the risks to students of using ChatGPT for their schoolwork?
ChatGPT's knowledge database only goes up to September 2021, so is not necessarily up-to-date, and it gets its information from the internet, so it could be inaccurate. 


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