
Who is backpacking for? 背包旅行适合哪些人?

2023-07-24 06:57




Who is backpacking for? 背包旅行适合哪些人?

背包旅行是一种低预算且随性的旅行方式。以洛林和迈克为例:他们退休后,每人背着一个15公斤重的背包,沿英格兰海岸徒步行走了630英里。再举一例,奥斯曼·佐拉提背包行遍了24个非洲国家,然而他启程时身上只有80美元。背包旅行似乎适合任何人,并不受年龄和预算的限制。听节目,看看你有没有作 “背包客” 的潜质。

词汇:travel 旅行

Do you know anyone who has gone backpacking? It's a type of travel that is low-cost and independent, often meaning no fixed plans regarding accommodation or destination. The word 'backpacking' comes from 'backpack', a type of bag that you carry on your back. Travellers typically fill a backpack with life essentials, like clothing, plus anything extra needed for adventure. The stereotypical view of a backpacker is someone in their 20s, keen to tick off items on their bucket list. But, forget this. You're about to find out that anyone can backpack.

Last year, my best friend's parents retired at aged 65 and set off on a 630-mile trail along the southwest coast of England. Each carrying a 15kg backpack, Mike and Lorraine hiked along cliffs, explored golden sandy beaches and even cycled. For accommodation, they didn't pre-book but stayed in whatever they could find on the day, which varied from B&Bs to camping in fields full of sheep. They did stop for the occasional well-deserved cup of tea – they were in England after all.

Backpackers are also known for travelling with little money, but few begin with as little as Othmane Zolati from Morocco. In 2015, he embarked on an almost four-year journey, but he started out with just $80 (£64). He zigzagged across 24 countries on the African continent and filmed his experience, aiming to show the world the diversity and beauty of Africa, all on a shoestring budget. He told BBC What's New that he often had to work odd jobs and rely on the kindness of strangers to be able to afford to keep travelling. But it was worth it. South Africa was Othmane's final destination and, on reaching it, he said "It was one of the best moments in my life. It made me know that if you fight for something, you really stick to that goal… then you will reach it".

So, don't give up. If you want to travel, you can, no matter your age or budget!


go backpacking 背包旅行
low-cost 低成本的
accommodation 住宿
backpack (徒步旅行或登山时用的)背包
essentials 必需品
adventure 探险
backpacker 背包客
tick off (在清单上)勾掉(做完的事情)
bucket list 人生愿望清单
retire 退休
set off 出发,启程
trail 乡间小道
hike 长途步行
pre-book 预订
B&B 提供住宿加早餐的小旅馆(“bed and breakfast” 的缩写)
camping 露营,野营
embark 开始
journey 旅行,旅程
zigzag 曲折前进
continent 大陆
shoestring budget 极少的预算
odd job 零工,杂活
destination 目的地


1.  阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What is a traveller's backpack typically filled with?

2. What is the stereotypical view of a backpacker?

3. True or False? Mike and Lorraine always pre-booked accommodation.

4. Why did Othmane Zolati film his travel experiences?

5. Where was Othmane Zolati's final destination?

2.  选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. We _______ at 6am to catch the 8am train.

went backpacking        ticked off                       set off                        pre-booked

2. I tend to avoid the _______ brands when I go food shopping.

low-cost                        well-deserved               shoestring                 fixed

3. Abdul prefers to stay in private _______ because he sleeps lightly.    

trail                               accommodation            journey                      continent

4. When my boss _______, we threw her a huge leaving party.

hiked                            zig-zagged                    camped                     retired

5. You need to bring clothes, food and toiletries ­– all the _______.  

budget                          destination                    essentials                  bucket list


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。 

1. What is a traveller's backpack typically filled with?

Life essentials, like clothing, plus anything extra needed for adventure.

2. What is the stereotypical view of a backpacker?

Someone in their 20s, keen to tick off items on their bucket list.

3.True or False? Mike and Lorraine always pre-booked accommodation.

False. They didn't pre-book but stayed in whatever they could find on the day, which varied from B&Bs to camping in fields full of sheep.

4. Why did Othmane Zolati film his travel experiences?

He aimed to show the world the diversity and beauty of Africa, all on a shoestring budget.

5. Where was Othmane Zolati's final destination? 

South Africa.

2.  选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. We set off at 6am to catch the 8am train.

2. I tend to avoid the low-cost brands when I go food shopping.

3. Abdul prefers to stay in private accommodation because he sleeps lightly.   

4. When my boss retired, we threw her a huge leaving party.

5. You need to bring clothes, food and toiletries ­– all the essentials.  


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