《媒体英语》带大家一起学习 BBC 撰稿人在报道世界大事时常用的单词、短语和固定搭配表达。
- 靠墙静蹲和平板支撑是降血压的最佳运动方式 Wall squats and planks best at lowering blood pressure
- 英格兰大学质量欠佳的专业课程或被限制招生人数 Poor quality university courses face limits on student numbers in England
- 庞贝古城的重要新发现 Important new finds in the ancient city of Pompeii
- 阿斯巴甜被归类为可能致癌物 Aspartame: possible cancer cause
- 英国一罕见冰河期遗址中发现大型石器文物 Giant stone artefacts found on rare Ice Age site
- 南极 “冰立方” 探测到银河系中存在中微子 Milky Way: Icy observatory reveals 'ghost particles'
- 巴西研究人员培育天然低咖啡因咖啡豆 Developing decaffeinated coffee beans
- 英国发射能绘制建筑物热量特征图的航天器 Spacecraft to map UK's heat inefficient buildings
- 科学家发现首例孤雌生殖美洲鳄 First case of 'virgin birth' has been found in crocodile
- 稀有兰花品种在伦敦邱园开花 Rare orchid flowers in London
- 植入式大脑信号传导装置帮助瘫痪者重新行走 Brain implants help paralysed patient to walk
- 泰坦尼克号首次全尺寸扫描揭示沉船全貌 First ever full-sized scan of the Titanic
- 毕加索雕塑展在西班牙开幕 Exhibition of sculptures by Picasso opens in Spain
- 研究人员在威尔士发现距今4.6亿年的 “极罕见” 化石 'Very rare' 460-million-year-old fossils discovered
- 英国人在家自制三明治的食材成本飙升 Cost of homemade sandwiches soars
- 极地冰盖加速融化现在 “不容置疑” Accelerating melt of ice sheets now 'unmistakable'
- 英国王查尔斯三世加冕典礼亮点前瞻 What we know about King Charles's coronation
- 英政府批准七处景点申报联合国教科文组织世界遗产 Unesco world heritage status: Seven sites win UK backing
- 猛犸象肉丸会是未来的肉类替代品吗? Woolly mammoth meatballs: Food of the future?
- 联合国发布新气候报告 New UN climate report published
- 美国国家航空航天局发布新一代登月航天服 New spacesuit for return to the Moon unveiled
- 考古学家在中国发现距今2400年的马桶?2,400-year-old toilet found in China?
- ChatGPT:用人工智能帮你做作业算作弊吗? ChatGPT: Is using AI to help with your school work cheating?
- 不愉快的梦 “有助于控制醒来时的恐惧” Bad dreams 'help to control fear when awake'
- 英国商业街药店将出售减肥注射剂 Weight loss injection to be sold by UK chemists
- 虎鲸母亲为照顾儿子付出一生 Killer whale mothers look after sons for life
- 科学家证实维京人将动物带到英国 Horses and dogs sailed with Vikings to Britain, say scientists
- 蚂蚁能帮助 “嗅出” 癌症? Could ants help to detect cancer?
- 考古学家将拼装中世纪沉船 —— “世界最大三维拼图” Ship restoration: Medieval vessel is 'world's largest 3D puzzle'
- 英格兰地区将禁用一次性塑料餐盘和餐具 Single-use plastic plates and food utensils to be banned in England
- 英国男子解开两万年前冰河时期洞穴壁画之谜 Man solves 20,000-year Ice Age drawings mystery
- 研究显示:英国森林碳储量被低估 The amount of carbon stored by UK forests underestimated
- 欧洲新气象卫星进入轨道 Europe's new weather satellite goes into orbit
- 孕期在极端高温下工作会对胎儿造成压力 Working in extreme heat puts strain on foetus
- 阿尔茨海默病治疗药物获重大突破 Alzheimer's drug breakthrough
- 巴塔哥巨龙骨架模型将在英国展出 Patagotitan: Colossal dinosaur heading for UK display
- 女球员穿为男性设计的球靴更易受伤 Boots made for men an injury risk to women footballers
- 实验室培养出的脑细胞可玩电子游戏 Lab-grown brain cells learn to play video game
- 英国为城镇升级计划调整艺术经费 英国国家歌剧院总部搬离伦敦 English National Opera to leave London as arts funding gets levelled u
- 英国超市廉价食品价格总体上涨 Overall prices of budget food in UK supermarkets soar
- 五小时睡眠是健康身体的最低要求 Five hours' sleep is tipping point for bad health
- 英国国王查尔斯三世加冕仪式日期公布 Coronation date for King Charles III announced
- “诺亚” 取代 “奥利弗” 成为英国最受欢迎男孩名字 Baby names: Oliver knocked off top spot by Noah
- 英国科学家研发出有望 “改变世界” 的新疟疾疫苗 New malaria vaccine is world-changing, say scientists
- 英国国王查尔斯三世新皇家标志揭晓 King Charles: New royal cypher revealed
- 科学家找到提取金属银的新方法 New method of extracting silver
- 用胶带做皮肤测试有助预测婴儿湿疹 Baby sticky tape skin test can predict eczema risk
- 研究发现脑电刺激可改善记忆力 Brain stimulation boosts memory
- 英作家狄更斯未公开书信被展出 Unseen Charles Dickens letters go on display
- 森林大火导致树木被烧毁 Forest fires and the destruction of trees