

2022-10-14 11:34



59. appear 出现替换词:emerge / arise

60. begin 开始替换词:commence / initiate

61. keep complaining about sth.抱怨某事替换词:grumble about sth.

62. try hard to do sth. 努力做某事替换词:pursue sth. / make a strenuous (an arduous/ a painstaking) effort to do sth.

63. decrease 下降替换词:decline / dwindle(特指逐渐缓慢的减少)/ dip / slip (后两个词用来指短促的下降)

64. develop fast 发展迅速替换词:flourish / thrive

65. develop 培养、培育替换词:cultivate / foster / nurture(这三个词后面经常跟和教育有关的名词,比如 cultivate an interest in social issues)

66. support 支持替换词:buttress / bolster

67. work hard 努力工作、专心工作替换词:work assiduously

68. consider 深思、考虑替换词:contemplate / reflect on / ponder

69. meet 遇到替换词:encounter(多用于政府,文化或者 success 这样偏大一些的话题)

70. provide sth. 提供某物替换词:afford sth.(在正式英文写作中,afford 经常可以表示「提供」)

71. like sth. very much非常喜欢某物替换词:have an affinity for sth. / have a strong attachment to sth.

72. consider sth. valuable觉得某物有价值替换词:value sth. / treasure sth. / cherish sth.

73. solve 解决替换词:tackle / combat / address

74. choose sth. / choose to do sth. 选择(做)某事替换词:opt for sth. / opt to do sth.

75. achieve 实现替换词:fulfill

76. appear in large numbers 大量出现替换词:sprout up / mushroom

77. pay…for (one's loss) 支付(损失)替换词:compensate…for…

78. contribute to 有助于替换词:promote / facilitate(这两个词都是及物动词,所以不需要跟 to)

79. hate 厌恶、反对替换词:resent / hold a grudge against

80、is not limited to… 不限于替换词:is not restricted to…/ is not confined to…

81. improve 提高替换词:boost / enhance(比如 boost solidarity 增进团结 / enhance productivity 提高生产率)

82. waste 浪费替换词:use… lavishly

83. change… a lot 变化很大替换词:fundamentally change… / radically change… / transform…

84. obey 服从、听从替换词:abide by / comply with / conform to (后面跟 the law / rules / regulations 等)

85. depend on 取决于替换词:hinge on / be contingent on

86. make one's dream come true实现梦想替换词:fulfill one’s potential / attain one’s goal

87. get rid of 摆脱、除去替换词:eliminate / remove / abolish(多用于政府类话题,废除)

88. mainly 主要地替换词:primarily / principally / chiefly

89. In the old days,… 在过去替换词:Traditionally,…/ Historically,…

90. before… 在… 之前替换词:prior to…

91. be punished by the law被法律制裁替换词:be brought to justice

92. It is common for sb. to…对…来说很普遍替换词:It is standard practice for sb. to…

93. in this aspect 在这方面替换词:in this regard / in this respect

94. in fact 事实上、本质上替换词:as a matter of fact / in essence / essentially

95. It is impossible that… 不可能替换词:It is highly unlikely that…

96. The cause of A is B.A 的原因是 B替换词:A can be attributed to B / A can be ascribed to B

97. sth. stops 某物静止不动替换词:sth. comes to a standstill

98. carry out 开展替换词:launch / conduct

99. pace of life 生活节奏替换词:rhythm of life / tempo of life100. adapt to 适应替换词:adjust to / acclimate to



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