

2022-12-16 15:25



三角函数: 正余弦定理,积化和差公式

平面几何、立体几何和解析几何: 钝角、锐角、椭圆、旋转、相似比、单位圆

代数: 矩阵的乘法、多项式函数、定义域、线性函数的斜率

统计: 排列组合、概率、平均值等。另外, 需要着重提出的是,本次考试单位换算比较多。






选非题(which choice is the least acceptable…):这类题目一定要注意审题,看清楚是选择最合适的,还是最不合适的。

词汇题:每场考试都会涉及的题型,会考查词意、形近词、音近词和固定搭配。12月考试再次考到了allude和elude区别,还考查了“not only…but…”固定搭配。对于词汇题,考生们要注意平时积累。实际在考场上遇到不认识或不确定的词汇题,不要浪费时间过于纠结,要将宝贵的时间放到其它更有信心做对的题目上。




Convenience of TechnologyTechnology has brought us great conveniences, so it is of great value to the general public. However, some doubt this value, claiming that technology making us mechanical in one way or the other.Read and carefully consider the following three perspectives. Each suggests a particular way of thinking about the value of technology.Perspective One: The value of technology should be doubted since, if people cannot accomplish things as small as making cakes, they cannot gain the sense of satisfaction.Perspective Two: It is well-known that technology brings convenience, so it is quite stupid to doubt its value.Perspective Three: Technology takes the place of humans to finish many simple works, so it offers much time and space for them to accomplish more complex tasks.



Perspective One: The value of technology should be doubted since people cannot gain the sense of satisfaction if they cannot accomplish things as small as making cakes by their own hands.

赞成: People are excessively addicted to conveniences brought by technology. Numerous studies claim that addiction to technology is real and it has the same effect on the brain as drug addiction.

反对: Few people accomplish things without any help from technology. Take cake making for example, when people still have to rely on technological products such as ovens or mixers. Perspective Two: It is a well-known fact that technology brings convenience, so it is quite stupid to doubt its value.

赞成: People nowadays cannot live without the help of technology, even when they escape into remote areas.

反对: Technology also has its dark sides, such as environmental pollution and loss of cognitive ability.Perspective Three: Technology takes the place of humans to finish many simple works, so it offers much time and space for them to accomplish more complex tasks.

赞成: Tremendous technological advancement allows people to reach new heights in many fields such as biology and artificial intelligence.

反对: When technology replaces humans to finish simple works, it takes away their jobs as well. Not all the people whose jobs are taken away are able to accomplish tasks with high or complex technology.




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