《媒体英语》带大家一起学习 BBC 撰稿人在报道世界大事时常用的单词、短语和固定搭配表达。
- UK scientists edit DNA of human embryos英国研究团队编辑人类胚胎中的 DNA
- Latest 'endangered species' list published最新“濒危物种”名单公布于众
- Bats 'tricked' into flying into buildings蝙蝠“上当”撞上建筑物
- 'Sea dragon' fossil is 'largest on record'“史上最大”鱼龙化石体积
- Cutting calories in popular foods to fight obesity削减受欢迎食物中的卡路里含量以对抗肥胖
- Ancestor of all flowers revealed by scientists科学家揭示花卉“祖先”的样貌
- New diesel and petrol vehicles to be banned from 2040 in UK英国将于2040年起禁止销售柴油和汽油汽车
- Waste products key to boosting UK biofuels废物残渣是增加英国生物燃料产量的关键
- Large-scale study 'shows neonic pesticides harm bees'大型研究结果显示烟碱类杀虫剂对蜜蜂有害
- Drug that creates a 'real suntan' could prevent cancer新药让你无需担忧皮肤癌就“晒出”小麦色
- Being married 'protects your health' 婚姻生活能“保护你的身体健康”
- 'Car boot sale' diamond set to fetch £350,000 at auction旧货市场淘来的钻石拍卖价可能达35万英镑
- London City first in UK to get remote air traffic control英国首个远程空中交通管制系统
- Book sales hit a record as children's fiction gains in popularity儿童小说帮助英国图书销量创下新高
- Experts excited by new brain disease drug治脑疾病的新药令专家兴奋不已
- Two-thirds of Great Barrier Reef damaged in 'unprecedented' bleaching三分之二的大堡礁珊瑚群遭受“史无前例”的白化危机
- 'New' wave-like cloud finally wins official recognition“新”型波浪状云首次被列入官方图集
- Sea otters ahead of dolphins in using tools海獭学会使用工具的时间早于海豚
- Prize for cracking brain's 'feel good' system三位科学家因破解大脑“奖赏系统”获奖
- Orangutan squeaks reveal language evolution, says study科学家称红毛猩猩叫声揭示人类早期语言进化过程
- Hunt for Antarctica's 'missing meteorites'英国科学家将赴南极寻找“失踪的陨石”
- Gap in children's health levels in the UK raises concern英国儿童健康水平差距引起担忧
- Scientists discover rare ancient fossil fruit科学家发现罕见果实植物化石
- Pregnancy alters woman's brain 'for at least two years'初次怀孕对女性大脑的影响“至少持续两年”
- Dodo skeleton sells for £350,000 at auction罕见渡渡鸟骨架以35万英镑成交
- Smoking causes DNA changes in our body吸烟会导致人体内基因变异
- World wildlife 'falls by 58% in 40 years'全球野生动物总数“四十年内下降58%”
- Tasmanian devil milk fights superbugs袋獾乳汁可对抗“超级细菌”
- Butterfly numbers drop a mystery, say experts英国蝴蝶数量下降现象令专家费解
- Is breast cancer linked to night shifts?乳腺癌与上夜班有关系吗?
- Europa moon 'spewing water jets'木卫二表面“喷射出水汽”
- Gaia space telescope plots a billion stars盖亚太空望远镜拍出十亿颗星星
- British dormice risk extinction英国睡鼠面临绝种危机
- Proxima Centauri has Earth-sized planet比邻星附近发现类似地球的行星
- Microbeads controversy塑胶微粒引起的争议
- 400-year-old Greenland Shark400岁的格陵兰鲨鱼
- Cancer patients surviving longer in the UK英国癌症患者存活时间延长
- English Bulldog in need of 'new blood'英国斗牛犬需通过杂交改善健康
- Cuckoo migration 'now more perilous'布谷鸟迁徙路线更加艰险
- 'Britain's Pompeii' was 'Bronze Age new build' site英青铜时代遗址似“庞贝古城”
- Cybercrime is worse than expected国际网络犯罪较预期严重
- Humans make rainforest more flammable人类活动使热带雨林更易燃
- Cancer risk from coffee downgraded专家降低因喝咖啡而患癌症风险级别
- Hands-free phone use by drivers 'distracting'研究称使用免提电话同样会使驾驶员分心
- Superbugs warning警告:对抗“超级细菌”刻不容缓
- High heels at work controversy办公室强制穿高跟鞋引风波
- Doctors support switch to e-cigarettes英国医生支持吸烟者使用电子烟
- 印度严重干旱:3.3亿国民受影响
- Exercise labels on food proposed英国健康专家提议食品包装需注明“运动量”
- Big increase in diabetes糖尿病患者人数剧增