- 日本樱花盛花期提前或因气候变化所致 Early cherry blossom in Japan likely to be result of climate change
- Have a lot of plates spinning 如转盘子杂技一样,兼顾多项工作
- 集中全部精力;躺下睡觉 Get your head down
- 非常普通 Garden-variety
- 心不在焉,胡思乱想 Head in the clouds
- The life of a pro-gamer 职业游戏玩家的生活是什么样的?
- The benefits of spring cleaning 春季大扫除的好处
- 食物垃圾变航空煤油?研究人员发现减排新招 Climate change: Jet fuel from waste 'dramatically lowers' emissions
- 为视障读者带来能 “闻” 的儿童故事 The Gruffalo: Scent kit brings story to life for visually impaired readers
- Pizzazz 活力、魅力
- Oomph 活力,热情
- 独树一帜,标新立异 March to the beat of a different drum
- 谨防危险,千万小心 Beware the ides of March
- Texting or talking? 发短信还是打电话好?
- 皮肤拭子检查 “有望” 用于诊断帕金森病 Parkinson's skin-swab test 'in sight'
- Snap up 抢购
- 冷不防地问某人 Spring something on someone
- 先发制人 Steal a march on someone
- Language-learning apps 用语言学习应用软件学外语
- 海洋污染物 “对雄性鼠海豚生殖能力有负面影响” Ocean pollutants 'have negative effect on male fertility'
- Nothingburger 空心汉堡
- 大自然,自然界 Mother Nature
- 笑到最后 Have the last laugh
- Blue Monday 蓝色星期一
- 庞贝古城附近出土古罗马礼仪马车 Pompeii: Archaeologists unveil ceremonial chariot discovery
- Awesomesauce “赞酱”
- Clever trees 树木的生存智慧
- 看时间等下班 Watch the clock
- 见木不见林 Can’t see the wood for the trees
- 捕鱼工具对鲸鱼的威胁 “被低估” Whale threats from fishing gear 'underestimated'
- Clout 影响力
- 笨手笨脚 As awkward as a cow on roller skates
- 一针见血,一语中的 Hit the bullseye
- Puppy love 养狗不只是一种短暂的爱
- 科学家利用卫星图像统计非洲大象的数量 Elephants counted from space for conservation
- 史上最佳 GOAT
- 非常无聊 Like watching grass grow
- 固执己见 To be bullheaded
- The weather of the future 未来的天气
- 交通噪音损害鸣禽解决问题的能力 Traffic noise impairs songbirds' abilities
- Workation 工作旅行
- My one and only 我的唯一
- Have ice in one’s veins 镇定自若
- Making your gadgets last longer 延长电子产品的使用寿命
- 拯救濒危物种鲨鱼和鳐鱼 “时不我待” Extinction: 'Time is running out' to save sharks and rays
- Moonshot 可以指 “不大可能实现的项目”
- 泼冷水 Throw cold water on something
- 冷落某人 Leave someone in the cold
- The future of electric cars 电动汽车的未来
- 蝴蝶展翅飞行之谜破解 Wing 'clap' solves mystery of butterfly flight