- 英国王查尔斯三世加冕典礼亮点前瞻 What we know about King Charles's coronation
- 英政府批准七处景点申报联合国教科文组织世界遗产 Unesco world heritage status: Seven sites win UK backing
- Hats off 致敬;祝贺
- Under your breath 低声嘀咕
- The power of smell 气味的力量
- 猛犸象肉丸会是未来的肉类替代品吗? Woolly mammoth meatballs: Food of the future?
- Be at a loss 不知所措
- Go off on one 大发雷霆
- Britain's new working week 英国新兴的混合办公模式
- What makes puzzles fun 智力游戏乐趣多
- 联合国发布新气候报告 New UN climate report published
- 美国国家航空航天局发布新一代登月航天服 New spacesuit for return to the Moon unveiled
- Wiggle room 回旋余地
- The history of instant noodles 方便面的前世今生
- 考古学家在中国发现距今2400年的马桶?2,400-year-old toilet found in China?
- (It's the) story of my life 我就是这个命
- The price of looking and feeling good 美容舒心的成本
- ChatGPT:用人工智能帮你做作业算作弊吗? ChatGPT: Is using AI to help with your school work cheating?
- No ifs or buts 别找借口
- Is it bad to be lazy? 懒惰是坏事吗?
- 不愉快的梦 “有助于控制醒来时的恐惧” Bad dreams 'help to control fear when awake'
- Caught red-handed 被逮个正着
- What adverts do to persuade us 广告中说服消费者购物的策略
- 英国商业街药店将出售减肥注射剂 Weight loss injection to be sold by UK chemists
- Rabbit on 唠唠叨叨,说个不停
- Why do we eat spicy food? 我们为什么喜欢吃辣?
- 虎鲸母亲为照顾儿子付出一生 Killer whale mothers look after sons for life
- Thanks a bunch! 不劳您费神了
- The greenhouse effect 温室效应
- 科学家证实维京人将动物带到英国 Horses and dogs sailed with Vikings to Britain, say scientists
- Slow walk 拖拖拉拉,缓慢行事
- Could fasting help you lose weight? 禁食能帮你减肥吗?
- 蚂蚁能帮助 “嗅出” 癌症? Could ants help to detect cancer?
- Take something to heart 把某事放在心上
- Should we have zoos? 动物园应该存在吗?
- 考古学家将拼装中世纪沉船 —— “世界最大三维拼图” Ship restoration: Medieval vessel is 'world's largest 3D puzzle'
- Know the score 了解情况,心中有数
- 英格兰地区将禁用一次性塑料餐盘和餐具 Single-use plastic plates and food utensils to be banned in England
- How cold affects the body 寒冷对身体的影响
- Jog someone's memory 唤起某人的记忆
- The popularity of air fryers 空气炸锅的流行
- 英国男子解开两万年前冰河时期洞穴壁画之谜 Man solves 20,000-year Ice Age drawings mystery
- A flying start 良好的开端
- The Arctic tern's epic journey 北极燕鸥的漫长迁徙之旅
- The feel-good home 赏心悦目的家居设计
- 研究显示:英国森林碳储量被低估 The amount of carbon stored by UK forests underestimated
- 欧洲新气象卫星进入轨道 Europe's new weather satellite goes into orbit
- Steal someone's thunder 抢人风头
- Bite your tongue 缄口不语
- Off the top of my head 未经思考,不假思索