- The tipping taboo给小费的禁忌
- 73-year-old woman from India gives birth to twin girls73 岁印度妇女生下双胞胎女孩
- Carbon footprint碳足迹
- Think positive!积极乐观地考虑问题
- Millions of old gadgets 'stockpiled in drawers'上千万件电子产品 “被堆放在抽屉里”
- To spoon-feed填鸭式灌输
- To stew独自烦恼
- Cough up不情愿地掏腰包
- Half-baked考虑不周
- Sweeten the deal给点甜头
- Most popular baby names revealed英国最受欢迎的婴儿名字揭晓
- The hotel of mum and dad回家住“爸妈旅馆”
- A storm in a teacup小题大做,大惊小怪
- Brain fade大脑一片空白
- Titanic sub dive reveals parts are being lost to sea深海探险队发现泰坦尼克号残骸腐蚀严重
- The problem with fast fashion快时尚带来的问题
- Take the world by storm席卷世界 名扬四海
- Fib说瞎话 撒小谎
- A disruptive innovation一项颠覆性创新
- Rest on your laurels居功自傲 不求进步
- University bans hamburgers 'to tackle climate change'英国一所大学禁止售卖牛肉汉堡以“应对气候变化”
- Tourism controls世界著名景点为控制游客数量出新招
- Deserve all the credit功不可没
- Hot under the collar怒气冲冲 局促不安
- Bask in your achievements收获满满的成就感
- Pat yourself on the back表扬自己
- Who’s still smoking?谁还在吸烟?
- Scientists develop artificial tongue for whisky tasting科学家研发人造“舌头”辨假酒
- Eat your heart out(玩笑话)比你强多了!
- Take a well-earned break好好休息一下
- Birth rate in England and Wales hits record low英格兰和威尔士的人口出生率创历史新低
- A pay rise please!请给我涨工资!
- A man/woman of his/her word言而有信的人
- Across有一个意思 字典里找不到
- Climate change: Current warming 'unparalleled' in 2,000 years气候变化:目前的气候变暖是 2000 年来 “前所未有” 的
- Electric scooter safety电动滑板车的安全
- Goal-oriented目标明确
- Fat chance希望渺茫
- Study finds anorexia stems from body as well as mind研究发现:厌食症源于 “身体” 和 “心里”
- The future of pocket money未来的零花钱
- One in a million百里挑一
- Set your sights high立志高远
- Milk it利用时机 榨取好处
- Boost for wireless electric car charging英国推动发展电动车无线充电技术
- Dogs helping stressed out students狗狗帮助学生减压
- A go-getter积极上进、志在必得的人
- Cherry-pick择优挑选
- UK’s Museum of the Year2019年英国 “年度博物馆奖”
- Forest bathing森林浴
- Go bargain hunting去买便宜货