- To make a song and dance (about something)BBC地道英语:小题大做
- Giant killer打败强大对手的巨人杀手
- Ask someone out请人出来约会
- Bad job interviews糟糕的面试经历
- The one about Friends still being most popular电视剧《老友记》仍深受欢迎
- Pig out大吃特吃
- Make a pig’s ear of something搞得一团糟
- A shock to the system一件让人难以应对的事
- From pillar to post东奔西跑
- Cutting the cost of cooking在家做饭的省钱妙招
- Side hustles上班族的副业
- Pigs might fly太阳打西边出来了
- Is Orkney the best place to live in the UK?了解英国 “最宜居的地方”:奥克尼群岛
- Concepts of happiness幸福的概念
- Mysterious radio signals from deep space detected来自遥远深空的神秘信号
- Stick to something坚持下去,信守承诺
- Small talk寒暄
- Fibre: 90% aren’t eating enough of this lifesaving food90%的人膳食纤维摄入量不足
- Could you be flexitarian?试做一名弹性素食者
- Give something a go试一把
- Take up开始参与新活动
- A bright spark一词多意:聪明人和蠢人
- Climate change: Will insect-eating dogs help?应对气候变化:让宠物狗改吃虫子
- Those quirky Brits“离奇古怪的” 英国人
- Order a takeaway订外卖
- Eat in or take away堂食或外带
- Digital detox数字排毒
- To be all downhill容易走的下坡路
- Fireworks除了 “烟花” 以外的意思
- The origin of the New Year's resolution“新年决心” 的前世今生
- Warning against 'volcano tourism' risks专家提醒人们重视火山旅游风险
- Go off食物变质
- Have a look around四处看看
- Meet up with与人见面
- Inside a teenager's brain了解青少年的大脑发育过程和特点
- Warming made UK heatwave 30 times more likely气候变暖使英国出现热浪的几率增加三十倍
- Hit the books做功课、看书
- As mad as a hatter短语:疯疯癫癫
- Two-year degree plan to cut cost of tuition fees英拟推行两年制本科学位 降低学生求学成本
- Go over仔细检查
- To have all your Christmases come at once就像多个圣诞节同时到来一样 “鸿运当头”
- Wake up and smell the coffee!闻闻咖啡 清醒清醒
- Climate change: Arctic reindeer numbers crash by half气候变化:北极驯鹿数量跌半
- Out of shape身材走形
- Wolf down狼吞虎咽
- It's the thought that counts礼轻情意重
- New £50 note scientist nominations released新版50英镑纸币科学家头像提名公布
- Serial returners快购时代的 “连环退货买家”
- Personal best个人最好成绩
- Young and lonely孤独的年青人