- Knock someone dead留下深刻印象
- Red herring掩人耳目的事物
- The language of smartphone addiction从“手机瘾”衍生出的新词
- The future of food production食物生产的未来
- Why do we like different tastes?为什么我们喜欢不同的口味?
- Hunt for Antarctica's 'missing meteorites'英国科学家将赴南极寻找“失踪的陨石”
- Gap in children's health levels in the UK raises concern英国儿童健康水平差距引起担忧
- To be fair说句公道话
- On the box上演的电视节目
- “duck”友好的称呼
- Break new ground开创新天地
- 有其父必有其子
- The office that starts at 9.06am早上九点零六分准时开始工作
- Scientists discover rare ancient fossil fruit科学家发现罕见果实植物化石
- Bottle勇敢,勇气
- Game plan策略、计划
- Start from scratch从头做起
- Why do cities make us rude?为什么城市会让人变得无礼?
- Got your number我知道你打的什么算盘
- 辞旧迎新Out with the old, in with the new
- Pregnancy alters woman's brain 'for at least two years'初次怀孕对女性大脑的影响“至少持续两年”
- Christmas comes but once a year佳节良辰,机会难得
- Good things come in small packages好东西不在个大
- Clickbait点击诱饵
- A drop in the ocean沧海一粟
- As cool as a cucumber泰然自若
- K-drama fever韩剧热
- Mash-up混搭
- Push your luck得寸进尺
- Work like a charm立竿见影
- The fear of missing out错失恐惧症
- Dodo skeleton sells for £350,000 at auction罕见渡渡鸟骨架以35万英镑成交
- Air kiss飞吻
- Rule of thumb经验法则
- Loose cannon我行我素的人
- The city of the future城市的未来
- Mansplaining男人说教
- No-brainer不费脑筋的事
- Hygge: the secret to a happy winter享受快乐冬天的秘密是什么?
- Smoking causes DNA changes in our body吸烟会导致人体内基因变异
- Photobomb抢镜头
- Don’t judge a book by its cover不要以貌取人
- A perfect match天生绝配
- Looking for the perfect partner寻找理想的伴侣
- Cyberchondriac上网自诊狂
- It's no use crying over spilt milk今日英语短语:覆水难收
- The mystery of our earliest memories人类早期记忆的谜团
- Wash your dirty linen in public今日英语短语:家丑外扬
- Turn back the clock让时光倒流
- World wildlife 'falls by 58% in 40 years'全球野生动物总数“四十年内下降58%”