- Pay through the nose for something出高价,花大价钱
- Social media sadness社交媒体引发的悲哀
- English Bulldog in need of 'new blood'英国斗牛犬需通过杂交改善健康
- Off the hook脱身
- Dirt cheap非常便宜
- Loss of biodiversity affects human society生物多样性减少给人类社会带来影响
- Cuckoo migration 'now more perilous'布谷鸟迁徙路线更加艰险
- Barefaced厚颜无耻的
- A nest egg储备金
- To have deep pockets资金雄厚
- Summer in Britain英国夏季的节日和活动
- 'Britain's Pompeii' was 'Bronze Age new build' site英青铜时代遗址似“庞贝古城”
- To make a mountain out of a molehill地道英语:小题大做
- Binge-watch“刷剧”、连续看片
- To pull the plug on something终止、遏止
- To be on the same wavelength意气相投
- Man vs bacteria人类对抗细菌
- Cybercrime is worse than expected国际网络犯罪较预期严重
- The last/final straw忍无可忍,使人最终崩溃的一击
- To get your wires crossed产生误解、误会
- To be firing on all cylinders状态绝佳
- Are you ready for your exam?考试,你准备好了吗?
- Humans make rainforest more flammable人类活动使热带雨林更易燃
- The university of life生活经历
- To blow a fuse勃然大怒
- How to live longer怎么才能长寿
- White / blue-collar worker白领,蓝领
- Take the field运动员登场,上场
- Drama queen小题大做的人
- It's on the cards这件事十有八九会发生
- Cancer risk from coffee downgraded专家降低因喝咖啡而患癌症风险级别
- Closing the doors on paradise为生态修复关闭旅游天堂岛屿
- To harp on about something喋喋不休
- Until I'm blue in the face任凭你磨破嘴皮
- Hands-free phone use by drivers 'distracting'研究称使用免提电话同样会使驾驶员分心
- Bored at work? Sue the boss!工作无聊怪老板?
- To pop the questionBBC每日英语:求婚
- At each other’s throats唇枪舌战地争吵
- To hit it off (with someone)一见如故'
- To have a crush on someone迷恋某人
- Clean up your act改邪归正
- To fall for someone迷恋一个人
- To throw a wobbly非常愤怒、极不高兴
- To make a song and dance about something小题大做
- Just get on with it!快点行动吧!
- Superbugs warning警告:对抗“超级细菌”刻不容缓
- You're pulling my leg!你在愚弄我!
- High heels at work controversy办公室强制穿高跟鞋引风波
- To have a change of heart改变主意,改变态度
- To fall at the first hurdle跌倒在第一关