- 英国科学家研发出有望 “改变世界” 的新疟疾疫苗 New malaria vaccine is world-changing, say scientists
- A dog's dinner 乱七八糟
- 无望成功 Be dead in the water
- 没打好基础;毫无根据 Build something on sand
- Can chocolate ever be healthy? 巧克力能成为健康食品吗?
- 英国国王查尔斯三世新皇家标志揭晓 King Charles: New royal cypher revealed
- Sitting pretty 生活优裕,处境好
- 言归正传 Joking aside
- 陷入困境,遇到麻烦 Get into hot water
- Feast your eyes (on something) 大饱眼福
- 蓄势待发,初见成效 Build up a head of steam
- 忙得不可开交 As busy as a beaver
- Why do we laugh? 我们为什么会笑?
- Creatures of the deep 海洋生物
- 科学家找到提取金属银的新方法 New method of extracting silver
- 用胶带做皮肤测试有助预测婴儿湿疹 Baby sticky tape skin test can predict eczema risk
- Put the brakes on (something) “踩刹车” 控制,制止
- 付之一笑 Make a joke of something
- 玩笑反而开到自己头上 The joke is on you
- Can you delay ageing with a positive attitude? 积极的态度可以延缓衰老吗?
- 研究发现脑电刺激可改善记忆力 Brain stimulation boosts memory
- 猜测 Second-guess
- 赞扬,吹捧 Build someone or something up
- 寄希望于某人或某物 Build (one’s) hopes on someone or something
- Smartphone addiction 手机成瘾
- 英作家狄更斯未公开书信被展出 Unseen Charles Dickens letters go on display
- The ins and outs 详情,细节
- 打入市场 Break into a market
- 从头开始创建某物 Build something from the ground up
- Should you play fantasy sports? 我们应该参与梦幻运动吗?
- 森林大火导致树木被烧毁 Forest fires and the destruction of trees
- Yes and no 既是也不是,说不准
- 全靠运气 Be the luck of the draw
- 一连串好运或厄运 A run of luck
- How the Romans influenced English 罗马文明对英语语言的影响
- 英国超市食品有望被贴上环保标签 Eco-labels for supermarket food
- Eat your words 承认自己说错了话
- 好运连连 Lucky streak
- 听天由命,靠运气行事 Trust to luck
- Tips on saving energy 节约能源小贴士
- 猪死亡后脏器恢复生机 Reviving dead pig organs
- Bug someone 让人心烦,令人讨厌
- 庆幸运气好 Thank your lucky stars
- 交好运 A stroke of luck
- Why do we dream? 我们为什么会做梦?
- 新发明:省纸节能的 “去墨打印机” Paper-saving 'de-printer' invented
- Willy-nilly 乱七八糟,毫无章法
- 向某人介绍最新情况 Put someone in the picture
- 美丽如画 As pretty as a picture
- Second-hand clothes and reducing your fashion footprint 买二手衣服 减少你的时尚碳足迹