- 灭火救场Putting out fires
- 蜂拥而至To flock to
- 文化秃鹰Culture vulture
- 歇歇脚Take the weight off your feet
- 失控暴怒Flip out
- 玩得非常痛快Have a whale of a time
- 升到最高层Rise to the top
- 宣泄被压抑的情感Let off steam
- 翘起脚来 彻底放松Put your feet up
- 紧密相连Close-knit
- 把东西储藏起来To squirrel something away
- 把头探出去To pop your head out
- 大发脾气To fly off the handle
- 双眼直视某人To look someone in the eye
- 冒险尝试Take the plunge
- 重要人物Big cheese
- 胆小如鼠A yellow streak
- 引起,引发Spark off
- Spice upBBC:增添趣味
- 只身单干Go it alone
- 全速前进!Full steam ahead!
- 别着急Hold your horses
- 末端The tail end
- 打破僵局Break the ice
- 面无表情的Stony-faced
- Snowed underBBC:忙得不可开交
- Dead as a dodoBBC:彻底过时了
- A long shot成功的希望很渺茫
- Roll out the red carpetBBC:隆重欢迎
- To be on iceBBC:搁置
- Skate on thin iceBBC:情况危急,如履薄冰
- The writing's on the wallBBC:不祥预兆
- Down the panBBC:泡汤了
- Second windBBC:再次振作起来
- Whatever floats your boatBBC:随心所欲
- In the eye of the stormBBC:暴风之眼