《媒体英语》带大家一起学习 BBC 撰稿人在报道世界大事时常用的单词、短语和固定搭配表达。
- 响尾蛇为迷惑接近者切换响动频率 The sound of rattlesnakes
- 阿司匹林可能有助对抗部分乳腺癌类型 Study finds aspirin could help in treating some breast cancers
- 天文学家捕捉到宇宙星系超清图像 Galaxies seen in ultra-high definition
- 人工智能或能在一日内诊断出失智症 Artificial Intelligence may diagnose dementia in a day
- 混合杀虫剂增加蜜蜂死亡数量 Study finds farm chemicals killing more bees
- 英国中年人健康状况是否不如以往?Are middle-aged people more unhealthy than ever?
- 英国考虑禁止活煮龙虾等海洋生物 Discussion on banning boiling lobsters alive in the UK
- 新应用程序统计被车撞扁的飞虫数量 New app counts bug splats on your car
- 鸟类如何利用地球磁场帮助导航迁徙? Clues to how birds migrate using Earth’s magnetic field
- 研究发现金星云层太干无法维持生命 Clouds of Venus too dry to support life, study finds
- 亚马逊雨林原住民五千年来对生态环境损害极小 Amazon-dwellers lived sustainably for 5,000 years
- 水鼩:体型小巧的潜水哺乳动物 Water shrews – the tiny diving mammals
- 非洲西侧海底沉积物崩塌持续两日 Underwater avalanche continued for two days
- 狗狗游泳池带动宠物用品销售增长 Dog paddling pools boost retail sales
- 藻类蛋白帮助男子恢复部分视力 Algae proteins partially restore man’s sight
- 世界野生鸟类总数超过500亿只 More than 50 billion wild birds in the world
- 印度尼西亚部分珊瑚礁重现生机 Indonesia coral reef partially restored
- 淡水鱼物种数量将 “灾难性” 减少 Extinction: Freshwater fish in 'catastrophic' decline
- 经得住气候变暖考验的咖啡品种 Future-proofing coffee in a warming world
- 英国或将在2021年底前允许自动驾驶汽车上路 Self-driving cars to be allowed on UK roads this year
- 霸王龙曾像狼群一样成群捕食? Did the Tyrannosaurus Rex hunt in a pack like wolves?
- 英国林地野生动物数量下降 树木状况 “危在旦夕” UK woodlands 'at crisis point' amid wildlife decline
- 失聪牧羊犬通过识别手势指令放羊 Deaf sheepdog learns how to herd using 'sign language'
- 日本樱花盛花期提前或因气候变化所致 Early cherry blossom in Japan likely to be result of climate change
- 食物垃圾变航空煤油?研究人员发现减排新招 Climate change: Jet fuel from waste 'dramatically lowers' emissions
- 为视障读者带来能 “闻” 的儿童故事 The Gruffalo: Scent kit brings story to life for visually impaired readers
- 皮肤拭子检查 “有望” 用于诊断帕金森病 Parkinson's skin-swab test 'in sight'
- 海洋污染物 “对雄性鼠海豚生殖能力有负面影响” Ocean pollutants 'have negative effect on male fertility'
- 庞贝古城附近出土古罗马礼仪马车 Pompeii: Archaeologists unveil ceremonial chariot discovery
- 捕鱼工具对鲸鱼的威胁 “被低估” Whale threats from fishing gear 'underestimated'
- 科学家利用卫星图像统计非洲大象的数量 Elephants counted from space for conservation
- 交通噪音损害鸣禽解决问题的能力 Traffic noise impairs songbirds' abilities
- 拯救濒危物种鲨鱼和鳐鱼 “时不我待” Extinction: 'Time is running out' to save sharks and rays
- 蝴蝶展翅飞行之谜破解 Wing 'clap' solves mystery of butterfly flight
- 新研究重新探索斑马条纹背后的奥秘 New study re-explores mystery behind zebra stripes
- 英国学生肺炎疫情期间居家上学的挑战 Covid-19: The challenges of home-schooling
- 英国科学家将赴南极洲考察巨型冰山 “A68a” A68a iceberg: Science mission to investigate frozen giant
- 新冠疫情未能阻止大气中二氧化碳浓度的上升 Climate change: Covid pandemic has little impact on rise in CO2
- 为了应对气候变化 看视频不选 “高清模式” 'Ditch high definition to fight climate change'
- 研究称全球人造物重量将超过所有活生物重量 Human-made objects to outweigh living things
- 瑞士人今冬能放心吃奶酪火锅吗? This Swiss winter tradition might not be safe this year
- 英国威尔士取消2021年 GCSE 及 A-level 考试 GCSE and A-levels in Wales cancelled for 2021
- 一项研究用卫星测量城市光污染源 Study measures urban light pollution with satellite
- 月球表面的水分子可能有利于建立人类基地 Water on the Moon could sustain a lunar base
- 剑桥大学研究用冷水治疗失智症的可能性 Could cold water help in the search for a cure to dementia?
- 世界经济论坛预测到2025年半数工作将由机器完成 Machines to ‘do half of all work tasks by 2025’
- 过去25年中大堡礁珊瑚数量下降超50% Great Barrier Reef has lost half of its corals since 1995
- 研究发现植物能为人减压 Plants reduce stress, study finds
- 火星上发现埋藏的液态水湖泊 Buried lakes of liquid water discovered on Mars火星上发现埋藏的液态水湖泊 Buried lakes of liquid water discovered on Mars
- 英国皇家植物园报告:全球五分之二的植物面临灭绝 Two-fifths of plants at risk of extinction, says report