《媒体英语》带大家一起学习 BBC 撰稿人在报道世界大事时常用的单词、短语和固定搭配表达。
- 博茨瓦纳数百头大象离奇死亡 原因为水中蓝藻细菌 Botswana: Mystery elephant deaths caused by cyanobacteria
- 洗衣服产生的人造微纤维可导致环境污染 How much synthetic ‘fluff’ is lost from washed clothing?
- 人类活动导致野生动物数量锐减 Wildlife in catastrophic decline due to human destruction
- 大西洋上的微塑料可能重达2100万吨
- Lockdown may have lasting effects on friendships新冠肺炎封锁可能对人类友谊产生持久影响
- Walkies could become the law for German dog owners德国拟立法规定养狗人士每天遛狗两次
- UK sees hottest August day for 17 years英国遇17年来最热八月天
- Other mammals lose out in panda conservation drive大熊猫保护区内大型捕食动物数量下降
- Nordic couple gets married in border ceremony北欧一对新人在边境举行婚礼
- Red Lion: Archaeologists find London's earliest theatre红狮剧院:考古学家发现伦敦最早建成的剧院
- How was the Moon’s crust formed?科学家提出月球外壳形成的新观点
- Koalas face extinction一项报告发现到2050年考拉将在新南威尔士州灭绝
- Coronavirus: Wildlife scientists examine the great 'human pause'新冠肺炎疫情导致 “人类活动暂停” 野生动物学家一探究竟
- Blowing bubbles: Soapy spheres pop pollen on fruit trees科学家吹泡泡受启发:肥皂泡可为果树授粉
- Loss of older trees continues around the world古树在世界各地持续消亡
- Zoom sees sales boom amid pandemic新冠肺炎疫情期间 Zoom 视频通讯软件销售额飙升
- Climate change: Top tips to reduce carbon footprint revealed应对气候变化 普通人可以采纳的减碳方法
- Nature crisis: Moths have 'secret role' as crucial pollinators飞蛾作为传粉者 扮演着重要的 “秘密角色”
- Scientists explain magnetic pole's wanderings地球的北磁极移动了?科学家解释这一现象
- Coronavirus 'will hasten the decline of cash'新冠疫情加速推进 “无现金” 社会
- Will anyone ever find Shackleton's lost ship?英国探险家沙克尔顿的南极沉船能否 “失而复得”?
- Deadly olive tree disease across Europe 'could cost billions'“橄榄树麻风病” 蔓延欧洲 可造成重大经济损失
- Whale sharks: Atomic tests solve age puzzle of world's largest fish鲸鲨:原子能试验解开世界上最大鱼类的年龄之谜
- Blood test 'can check for more than 50 types of cancer'验血 “可以检测50多种癌症”
- New star discovered研究人员发现2000光年以外的巨型新恒星
- Red squirrels sniff out danger better than greys红松鼠比灰松鼠更能嗅出危险
- Climate anxiety: children losing sleep over the environment气候引起的焦虑:儿童因担心气候变化和环境而失眠
- Coronavirus: Supermarkets ask shoppers to stop stockpiling新冠病毒:英国超市呼吁顾客理智购物
- Blue whale numbers increase南乔治亚岛蓝鲸数量有所增长
- Plug pulled on 5,000 post-GCSE qualifications英教育部停止资助5000门 GCSE 考试后学习的资质课程
- Harry and Meghan's royal duties ending soon哈里和梅根即将停止履行王室职责
- Half of UK 10-year-olds own a smartphone英国十岁儿童中半数拥有智能手机
- UK top universities to give more places to disadvantaged英格兰顶尖大学为贫困生提供更多入学名额
- Period poverty: School girls offered free menstrual products经期贫困:给在校生免费提供经期用品
- Fatty tongues could be main cause of sleeping disorder舌头脂肪量高可能是导致睡眠障碍的主要原因
- Food 'made from air' could compete with soya用空气做成的食物价格可与大豆价格竞争
- Europe's Cheops telescope launched to study far-off worlds欧空局发射太空望远镜以探测系外行星
- Apostrophe campaign ends due to 'ignorance and laziness'“无知和懒惰” 使 “撇号保护协会” 关门
- More 'long-life' plastic carrier bags being used可重复使用的塑料袋销量增加
- Climate change: Speed limits for ships can have 'massive' benefits应对气候变化:船舶限速益处 “巨大”
- Australia’s ‘catastrophic’ fires continue澳大利亚 “灾难级” 林火仍在燃烧
- Musician Stephen Morris reunited with £250,000 Tecchler violin英音乐家失而复得价值25万镑小提琴
- Spiders inspire double-sided sticky tape to heal wounds以蜘蛛网为灵感的双面胶带可粘合伤口
- People 'more likely to feel pain on humid days'人们 “在潮湿天更容易感觉疼痛”
- New slang words added to Oxford English Dictionary2019年《牛津英语词典》新收录的俚语词汇
- Greater protection for Emperor penguins called for专家呼吁加强对南极帝企鹅的保护
- Skin cancer: Half of people surviving advanced melanoma皮肤癌:黑色素瘤晚期存活率过半
- Bird populations in Asia and the US are "in crisis"亚洲及美国的鸟类数量 “陷入危机”
- Common cold cure experiment科学家试验治疗普通感冒的新方法
- Banning watches from exams to prevent cheating英国学校禁止学生戴手表考试以防作弊