《媒体英语》带大家一起学习 BBC 撰稿人在报道世界大事时常用的单词、短语和固定搭配表达。
- Left-handed DNA found科学家发现 “左撇子基因”
- Stress in pregnancy 'makes child personality disorder more likely'孕期压力使 “孩子更容易出现人格障碍”
- 73-year-old woman from India gives birth to twin girls73 岁印度妇女生下双胞胎女孩
- Millions of old gadgets 'stockpiled in drawers'上千万件电子产品 “被堆放在抽屉里”
- Most popular baby names revealed英国最受欢迎的婴儿名字揭晓
- Titanic sub dive reveals parts are being lost to sea深海探险队发现泰坦尼克号残骸腐蚀严重
- University bans hamburgers 'to tackle climate change'英国一所大学禁止售卖牛肉汉堡以“应对气候变化”
- Scientists develop artificial tongue for whisky tasting科学家研发人造“舌头”辨假酒
- Birth rate in England and Wales hits record low英格兰和威尔士的人口出生率创历史新低
- Climate change: Current warming 'unparalleled' in 2,000 years气候变化:目前的气候变暖是 2000 年来 “前所未有” 的
- Study finds anorexia stems from body as well as mind研究发现:厌食症源于 “身体” 和 “心里”
- Boost for wireless electric car charging英国推动发展电动车无线充电技术
- UK’s Museum of the Year2019年英国 “年度博物馆奖”
- The cost of Harry and Meghan's home renovations哈里和梅根的房屋翻修花费
- Dogs' eyes evolve to appeal to humans研究发现:狗眼进化为吸引人的注意力
- Sleep study: Simple sleep tweaks boost wellbeing睡眠研究:调整睡眠可以提升幸福感
- D-Day veterans return to commemorate 75th anniversary老兵重返诺曼底 纪念 “D日” 75 周年
- UK 'needs more overseas vets and architects'英国 “需要更多来自海外的兽医和建筑师”
- British postal system to launch parcel postboxes英国将推出可收包裹的红色邮筒
- Measles cases on the rise英国麻疹病例数量增加
- Decline in UK's modern language teaching现代语言教学在英国走下坡路
- Link found between obesity and depression in children科学家发现儿童肥胖与抑郁之间存在联系
- Turtle navigation discovery新发现:绿海龟辨别方向的方法
- First ever black hole image released科学家公布首张黑洞照片
- Plans for new register for home-educated children英政府提议对在家接受教育的儿童进行注册
- Rise in 'extreme' waves“极端” 海浪变得愈发猛烈
- Rain melting Greenland ice sheet 'even in winter'冬日雨水融化格陵兰冰盖
- Uber's lost property survey优步发布失物招领调查报告
- Radical Parkinson's treatment tested in patients帕金森病: 颠覆性疗法在患者身上测试
- Beavers to become protected species in Scotland狸将成为苏格兰保护动物
- Breakdancing proposed for inclusion in Paris 2024 Olympics霹雳舞被提议成为 2024 巴黎奥运会正式项目
- 'Know your cholesterol like you know your Pin code'像熟记银行密码一样记住自己的胆固醇值
- Global insects undergoing ‘dramatic rates of decline’全球昆虫总数 “急剧下降”
- Warming threatens Himalayan glaciers气候变暖给喜马拉雅冰川带来威胁
- The one about Friends still being most popular电视剧《老友记》仍深受欢迎
- Is Orkney the best place to live in the UK?了解英国 “最宜居的地方”:奥克尼群岛
- Mysterious radio signals from deep space detected来自遥远深空的神秘信号
- Fibre: 90% aren’t eating enough of this lifesaving food90%的人膳食纤维摄入量不足
- Climate change: Will insect-eating dogs help?应对气候变化:让宠物狗改吃虫子
- Warning against 'volcano tourism' risks专家提醒人们重视火山旅游风险
- Warming made UK heatwave 30 times more likely气候变暖使英国出现热浪的几率增加三十倍
- Two-year degree plan to cut cost of tuition fees英拟推行两年制本科学位 降低学生求学成本
- Climate change: Arctic reindeer numbers crash by half气候变化:北极驯鹿数量跌半
- New £50 note scientist nominations released新版50英镑纸币科学家头像提名公布
- Fat-clogged cells explain why obesity can cause cancer被脂肪阻塞的细胞可解释为何肥胖能致癌
- Llama blood clue to beating all flu大羊驼血液中藏有战胜所有流感病毒的线索
- Study: Poorer children receive more education funding调查发现英国较贫困家庭儿童获得更多教育资助
- Novel antibiotic effectively kills bacteria新型抗生素能有效杀灭细菌
- Financial support for NHS blood victims?英政府为查明血液感染事件展开公众调查
- Bloomberg HQ in London wins RIBA architecture prize彭博欧洲总部大楼获英国皇家建筑师协会年度大奖