- Blowing bubbles: Soapy spheres pop pollen on fruit trees科学家吹泡泡受启发:肥皂泡可为果树授粉
- Bite the bullet咬紧牙关 迎难而上
- Blended working混合式弹性工作安排
- Two peas in a pod一模一样
- Be at the end of your tether耐心全无
- How to avoid ‘burnout’如何避免过度疲劳
- Loss of older trees continues around the world古树在世界各地持续消亡
- Be a hard act to follow很难超越,无法媲美
- Be sick and tired of someone/something对人或事物十分厌倦
- Besties最好的朋友,闺蜜
- What does a dog mean when it wags its tail?狗摇尾巴是什么意思?
- Zoom sees sales boom amid pandemic新冠肺炎疫情期间 Zoom 视频通讯软件销售额飙升
- JOMO错失的快乐
- Furlough强制休假
- 有共同语言
- Trust someone with your life能够让你生死相托的人
- Do we all see the same colour?每个人看到的颜色都一样吗?
- BFF最好的朋友
- Why do people stockpile?人们为什么要抢购囤货?
- Climate change: Top tips to reduce carbon footprint revealed应对气候变化 普通人可以采纳的减碳方法
- Spill the teaSpill the tea的意思不是“把茶洒了”
- If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all如果你没有好话要说,就什么也别说
- To be well-turned-out衣着光鲜,穿戴讲究
- Stick your nose in where it’s not wanted打探不相干的事
- Should bands reunite?乐队应该重组吗?
- Nature crisis: Moths have 'secret role' as crucial pollinators飞蛾作为传粉者 扮演着重要的 “秘密角色”
- Flexing炫耀
- Overstep the mark行为出格、越界
- Is doodling good for you?心不在焉地随手乱画对你有好处吗?
- Scientists explain magnetic pole's wanderings地球的北磁极移动了?科学家解释这一现象
- Salty恼羞成怒
- Not put a foot wrong不犯任何错误
- To be seen and not heard乖乖听话,少出声
- Mend fences with someone重归于好
- Have a falling out大吵一架
- Rule the roost当家作主
- Why leap years aren’t every 4 years为什么闰年不是每四年一次
- Can computer translators beat humans?机器翻译能打败人工翻译吗?
- Could robots replace us at work?机器人能代替我们工作吗?
- Coronavirus 'will hasten the decline of cash'新冠疫情加速推进 “无现金” 社会
- Will anyone ever find Shackleton's lost ship?英国探险家沙克尔顿的南极沉船能否 “失而复得”?
- Deadly olive tree disease across Europe 'could cost billions'“橄榄树麻风病” 蔓延欧洲 可造成重大经济损失
- Skeleton crew最低人数的工作人员
- lowkey流行语
- Live for something为某事而活着
- Go way back with someon与某人相识已久
- Cabin fever幽居病
- Breadwinner养家糊口的人
- Solving the problem of e-waste电子垃圾处理的新方法
- Whale sharks: Atomic tests solve age puzzle of world's largest fish鲸鲨:原子能试验解开世界上最大鱼类的年龄之谜