- In one’s blood天生的
- 喋喋不休Bang on about something
- Running on fumes疲惫不堪
- Run in the family世代相传,家族遗传
- The popularity of kosher food引领饮食潮流的犹太洁食
- Blood test 'can check for more than 50 types of cancer'验血 “可以检测50多种癌症”
- Follow in someone’s footsteps追随长辈的脚步
- 用 fire 形容事物“非常火”
- A difficult middle child夹在中间难管教的老二
- The pros and cons of flatsharing合租公寓的优缺点
- New star discovered研究人员发现2000光年以外的巨型新恒星
- A better life拥抱更健康的生活
- Red squirrels sniff out danger better than greys红松鼠比灰松鼠更能嗅出危险
- Take after someone外貌和性格与年长的家庭成员相像
- The apple of someone’s eye某人的掌上明珠
- Left on read已读不回
- Houseplants: Good or bad?在家里养盆栽好不好?
- Climate anxiety: children losing sleep over the environment气候引起的焦虑:儿童因担心气候变化和环境而失眠
- The black sheep of the family败家子,害群之马
- A helicopter parent大小事情都要管的 “直升机家长”
- Sheeple随大流的 “羊人”
- Suffering for fashion赶时髦脚受苦
- What can you do with used coffee?咖啡渣的用途
- Coronavirus: Supermarkets ask shoppers to stop stockpiling新冠病毒:英国超市呼吁顾客理智购物
- Look up to someone敬仰、敬重某人
- One big happy family一个欢乐的大家庭
- Like mother/father, like son/daughter有其母/父必有其子/女
- Hater怀恨者
- To take stock of全面盘点,整体评估
- Unrealistic career aspirations英国年轻人不现实的职业理想
- Blue whale numbers increase南乔治亚岛蓝鲸数量有所增长
- To set expectations设立期望值
- Talk shop“聊商店”
- When should I have a sick day?什么时候该请病假?
- Plug pulled on 5,000 post-GCSE qualifications英教育部停止资助5000门 GCSE 考试后学习的资质课程
- Personal goals for professional development个人职业发展目标
- Snackable快餐式内容
- YTD年初至今
- Harry and Meghan's royal duties ending soon哈里和梅根即将停止履行王室职责
- Working from home在家办公
- EOD在一日结束时
- Memory like a sieve记忆像滤网
- N/A表格中的 “不适用项”
- FYI供你参考
- Should we talk about our salaries?同事之间工资应该公开吗?
- Half of UK 10-year-olds own a smartphone英国十岁儿童中半数拥有智能手机
- BTW顺便说一句
- Nomophobia无手机恐惧症
- It’s like the North Pole冷得像北极一样
- There’s a nip in the air寒气袭人