- Up-and-coming前程似锦
- To get something off the ground启动,开始(项目、活动)
- The dogs who safeguard our hearts养狗能保护我们的心脏健康
- France's cheek-kissing controversy法国女市长拒行贴面礼引来争议
- 地道英语:“A thing”的旧词新意
- To get back into the swing of things回归常态
- To raise the bar抬高标准
- Artistic investments投资艺术品就肯定有回报?
- Born in the wrong place for good schools?在英国想上好学校 要生对地方?
- Christmas gift alternatives不一样的圣诞礼物
- Not gonna lie实话实说
- To sit tight耐心等待,按兵不动
- To break the ice破冰,打破冷场
- Virtual fashion advice从网络上获取穿衣打扮的小窍门
- New island may tell us about life on Mars火山生成的新岛可能提供火星生命的证据
- To add fuel to the fire火上浇油
- 地道英语:Game“游戏”还有“技巧”的意思
- To be on someone’s radar引起某人的注意
- Sweet tooth hazards爱吃甜食给健康带来的隐患
- Farthest monster black hole found天文学家发现距地球最远的巨型黑洞
- To shout it from the rooftops“从屋顶喊话”的意思就是“让所有人都知道”
- To get a foot on the ladder跨进职业生涯的门槛
- One step closer to cyborgs我们离半机械人时代又近了一步
- AI becomes more alien人工智能自我挑战 再创新高
- Hammer out a deal/agreement敲定一笔交易、达成一项协议
- To blow the cobwebs away吹走蜘蛛网就能让人“振作精神”?
- Nine times out of ten十之八九
- Shipwreck finds earliest astrolabe沉船中发现世上最早航海星盘
- Bad sleep糟糕的睡眠会影响你的心理健康
- Ins and outs来龙去脉
- A knees-up欢快的社交聚会
- Boil down to something归根结底为
- Planet Plastic地球快要变成“塑料星球”
- Acidic oceans will affect sea life酸化海洋将威胁海洋生物
- Put someone on the map“把人搬到地图上”是什么意思?
- Ten out of ten满分
- Happy bunny快乐兔指“快乐的人”
- How to be charming如何变得魅力四射
- Alarm over decline in flying insects飞虫数量锐减值得警惕
- Cut loose一语多意:疏远关系或尽情享乐
- Down in the dumps一个表达“情绪低落”的地道说法
- UK's inflation rate hit its highest for more than five years英国通货膨胀率达到五年来最高
- Why we yawn我们为什么打哈欠?
- Wine and dine设酒宴招待
- Happy as Larry欣喜若狂、非常高兴
- 地道英语:你真的会用“excuse me”吗?
- Flying and emotion高空飞行对情绪的影响
- Child and teen obesity spreading across the globe儿童和青少年肥胖已成全球问题
- Grit one’s teeth咬紧牙关
- So done with和“完成”并无关系