- 英国政府考虑设立足球监管机构 Independent regulator for English football
- Thereby hangs a tale 说来话长
- 忽视,遗忘 Lose sight of something
- 只是面熟,似曾相识 Know someone by sight
- How tall do you want to be? 你的理想身高是多少?
- 英国国家信托基金会:果园正从景观中消失 Orchards vanishing from the landscape, says National Trust
- The royal treatment 皇家待遇
- 眼光独到,独具慧眼 Have an eye for something
- 留意,特别注意 Keep an eye out for something
- Should you count calories? 健康饮食该不该计算卡路里?
- 尿液细菌或是恶性前列腺肿瘤先兆 Detecting aggressive prostate cancer
- Tell me about it 可不是吗?
- 嚎啕大哭 Cry someone’s eyes out
- 大饱眼福 A feast for the eyes
- Why should you start journalling? 写日记的好处
- 英国叫声最响亮的鸟类数量迅速恢复 Britain’s loudest bird makes ‘booming’ recovery
- Creatively bankrupt 没创意,毫无新意
- 眼尖,目光锐利 Eagle eye
- 眼见为实 Seeing is believing
- The importance of bees 蜜蜂的重要性
- 英国乡村地区刺猬数量下降 Hedgehog populations in countryside falling
- As if 才怪,没影的事儿
- 顶呱呱 Tip-top
- 最新的 Up to date
- 最先进,最顶尖 State of the art
- 高端,高档 High-end
- The growing popularity of cycling 骑车出行再度兴起
- Algorithms and online shopping 算法对网购体验的影响
- 野火可能会减缓臭氧层恢复 Wildfires may slow ozone layer recovery
- 美国航空航天局新月球火箭首次亮相 Nasa's giant new SLS Moon rocket makes its debut
- 后缀 -ish 在口语中的用法
- Bad hair day 不顺心的一天
- 顶级,一流 Top-drawer
- 发展前沿 The cutting edge
- Promises, promises! 信口开河地保证
- 大费周折,费劲的事 A devil of a job
- 提供建议,带来价值 Bring to the table
- Tea and coffee for life 忙碌之余享受一杯茶或咖啡
- The dangers of loud noise 高分贝噪音的危险
- “历史性” 协商应对塑料污染Plastic pollution: Green light for 'historic' treaty
- 适龄接种 HPV 疫苗可大幅减少患宫颈癌风险 Vaccine could mean fewer smear tests needed
- Not see hide nor hair of someone 连人影都没见着
- Curate’s egg 好坏参半,还凑合
- 下班时;比赛结束 Close of play
- 未加思索,即兴 Off the cuff
- Should we fear maths? 我们有必要害怕数学吗?
- 被陨石砸中的狗屋被拍卖 Kennel hit by meteorite gets auctioned
- 私下再谈 Take something offline
- 概述 Helicopter view
- Are our early memories real? 我们早期的记忆是真的吗?