- 药物排入河流威胁全球卫生 Medicine in rivers
- That’ll be the day 哪有这样的事,绝对不会发生
- 筹划中,进行中 In the pipeline
- 深入探讨,仔细分析 Deep dive
- How to stay focused 如何专心致志地做事?
- 地球树木种类高出已知数量 Earth has more tree species than we thought
- Gathering dust 闲置不用
- 双赢,各方受益 Win-win
- 职业选择 Career move
- The different eras of houses in the UK 英国不同时代的住宅
- 人气猜词小游戏被收购 Hit word puzzle game has been acquired
- Easier said than done 说来容易做来难
- 从头再来 Back to the drawing board
- 做主 Call the shots
- Why are cat videos so popular? 我们为什么爱看猫咪视频?
- 河马也能闻声识友 Hippos can recognise their friends’ voices
- The plot thickens 情况愈发扑朔迷离
- 就看此人的决定 The ball is in someone’s court
- 打破常规地思考 Think outside the box
- Why camping can be so much fun 露营度假乐趣多
- 塔希提岛附近发现 “原始” 珊瑚礁 Tahitian coral reef discovered
- All at sea 一片茫然,不知所措
- 暂时搁置 On the back burner
- 奇思妙想 Blue-sky thinking
- The benefits of craft making 做手工有哪些好处?
- 英国女王登基70周年庆祝安排公布 Queen's Platinum Jubilee: Celebration plans unveiled
- Don’t mind me 不用管我,忽略我
- 坐办公室的人 Desk jockey
- 别着急,悠着点! Gently does it!
- When neighbours go wrong 造成邻里不和的种种因素
- 源自刺猬皮肤的超级细菌 Superbug that came from hedgehogs
- Cramp my style 束手束脚,妨碍发挥
- 赶紧的,快点 Get a move on
- 冗长拖沓 Long-drawn-out
- What is road rage? 什么是 “路怒症”?
- 考古学家发现有史以来最大千足虫化石 Largest-ever millipede fossil found
- You couldn’t make it up 难以置信
- 三三两两,零零碎碎 In dribs and drabs
- 逐渐有趣,缓步成功 Slow burner
- Stay-at-home fathers “全职奶爸” 不再是非主流
- 英国电视制作业投资回升 UK TV production rebounds
- Cool cat 可不是 “酷猫” 的意思
- 稳扎稳打 Slowly but surely
- 慢慢来,不着急 Take your time
- Why should we take a shower? 我们为什么要洗澡?
- 塑料垃圾成为海洋生物的新栖息地 Plastic pollution in the ocean creates new habitat
- There’s nothing to it 很简单,没有难度
- 慢如蜗牛 At a snail’s pace
- 一路顺利,提前抵达 Make good time
- A teddy bear for life 为什么大人也爱泰迪熊?