- Be up with the lark早早起床
- Seed money启动资金,本金
- You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs有失才有得
- As mad as a March hare疯疯癫癫
- Roll with the punches克服重重困难
- Go out like a light一沾枕头就睡着
- Live on in the memory在记忆中留存
- A pack of lies谎话连篇
- One-trick pony一招鲜
- Get itchy feet渴望旅行,想经历不同的事
- Green fingers园艺技术高超
- Ride roughshod over一意孤行
- The grass is always greener on the other side邻家芳草绿,隔岸风景好
- A spring in one’s step脚步充满活力
- Walking encyclopedia活百科全书
- To throw one’s weight behind someone or something鼎力支持
- Sweep the board囊括全数奖项
- A shoulder to cry on可倾诉的对象
- Put their heads together集思广益,出谋划策
- Written in the stars命中注定
- Come to light真相大白英语怎么说
- Litmus test决定性的检验,试金石
- Word of mouth口口相传
- Knock someone dead留下深刻印象
- Red herring掩人耳目的事物
- Break new ground开创新天地
- 有其父必有其子
- Game plan策略、计划
- Start from scratch从头做起
- 辞旧迎新Out with the old, in with the new
- Christmas comes but once a year佳节良辰,机会难得
- Good things come in small packages好东西不在个大
- A drop in the ocean沧海一粟
- As cool as a cucumber泰然自若
- Push your luck得寸进尺
- Work like a charm立竿见影
- Rule of thumb经验法则
- Loose cannon我行我素的人
- No-brainer不费脑筋的事
- Don’t judge a book by its cover不要以貌取人
- A perfect match天生绝配
- It's no use crying over spilt milk今日英语短语:覆水难收
- Turn back the clock让时光倒流
- Turn into a pumpkin该回家睡觉了
- Jump on the bandwagon跟风,随大流
- Leave no stone unturned每日一句:竭尽全力
- 雪上加霜To add insult to injury
- Make a long story short长话短说
- Born and bred土生土长
- All things to all people八面玲珑