- 于事无补 Cold comfort
- 不再受冷落 Come in from the cold
- 冻得透心凉 Frozen to the core
- 寒冬腊月 Dead of winter
- 寒流 A cold snap
- 机会渺茫 A snowball's chance in hell
- 非常舒适 As snug as a bug in a rug
- 滚雪球效应 Snowball effect
- 搁置,推迟 Put something on ice
- 喜上眉梢;灯光夺目 Light up like a Christmas tree
- 突如其来的好事情 Christmas came early
- 意外地大获成功 Come up trumps
- 考试得高分 Ace a test
- 一无所获,毫无回应 Draw a blank
- 声音清晰洪亮 As clear as a bell
- 共同,一齐 In unison
- 一首慢歌/快歌/情歌 A slow/fast/romantic number
- 言行得体,恰到好处 Hit the right note
- 一场即兴演奏会 A jam session
- 火冒三丈 Have a face like thunder
- 暴风雨前的平静 The calm before the storm
- 公共场所连续播放的背景音乐 Elevator music
- 不到最后,不见分晓 It’s not over until it’s over
- 风雨无阻 Come rain or shine
- 尽量往好处想 Hope for the best
- 希望之泉永不尽 Hope springs eternal
- 成功的一线可能 A fighting chance
- 寄希望于某事 Pin your hopes on something
- 因祸得福 A blessing in disguise
- 抱一线希望 Hope against hope抱一线希望 Hope against hope
- 一切皆有可能 The sky’s the limit
- When one door closes, another one opens 天无绝人之路
- Look on the bright side 往好处想,看到好的一面
- Everything’s coming up roses 一切进展顺利
- The future looks bright 前途一片光明
- When life gives you lemons, make lemonade随遇而安,苦中作乐
- Bone up苦学,突击钻研
- Mind your manners注意你的行为举止
- Go the extra mile加倍努力
- Do something with your eyes closed闭着眼睛都能做某事
- Go through something with a fine-tooth comb仔细检查,彻底搜查
- Know something inside out对某事了如指掌
- Work like a Trojan辛勤工作
- Mind your own business少管闲事
- Put your thinking cap on认真思考,开动脑筋
- Mind your language注意你的言谈
- Bow and scrape点头哈腰
- Have a shared history (with someone)和某人有共同的经历
- She/He just gets me她/他真懂我
- Be a law unto themselves我行我素,自行其是