- Take a well-earned break好好休息一下
- A man/woman of his/her word言而有信的人
- Goal-oriented目标明确
- One in a million百里挑一
- Set your sights high立志高远
- A go-getter积极上进、志在必得的人
- Go bargain hunting去买便宜货
- A flash sale限时抢购
- Push through the pain挺过痛苦
- Feel the burn感受肌肉的灼烧感
- Soaked to the skin今日短语:湿透了
- Sweat it out做高强度的运动锻炼
- A gym bunny健身迷
- Burn off the calories / pounds运动减脂
- You’ve got it in the bag稳操胜券
- The light at the end of the tunnel苦尽甘来
- Keep your chin up保持干劲
- Keep your eyes on the prize盯住目标,心无旁鹜
- Keep your nose to the grindstone埋头苦干
- Have had enough受够了
- Fed up厌烦,厌倦
- Have mixed feelings about心情复杂
- Made up欣喜不已,兴高采烈
- Get on and get off上下公共汽车等交通工具
- Set off出发、启程
- End up到头来,最终到达
- Give up停止做一件事
- Things are looking up今日短语:情况开始好转
- Firm up敲定、落实
- Prove difficult做事困难
- Stop off中途停留或拜访一处
- Go out vs hang out出去走走 vs 一起玩耍
- Get in and get out上下车
- Get held up受阻无法前进
- Pencil in暂定
- Pencil in临时安排
- Check out去看看
- Spring into action立刻行动起来
- Besotted with someone迷得神魂颠倒
- Fall for someone迷恋上一个人
- Be loved up恩恩爱爱
- End it with someone结束一段感情
- Settle down安顿下来
- Grow apart渐渐疏远
- Give the silent treatment采取不理睬的态度
- Get over someone忘记一个人
- To be seeing someone和某人约会交往
- Ask someone out请人出来约会
- Pig out大吃特吃
- Make a pig’s ear of something搞得一团糟