- Tiger mother虎妈
- Buzzkill扫兴的人/事
- Buyer’s remorse买家懊悔
- Freecycle免费捐赠闲置物品
- Carbon footprint碳足迹
- Cough up不情愿地掏腰包
- Brain fade大脑一片空白
- Fib说瞎话 撒小谎
- Hot under the collar怒气冲冲 局促不安
- Eat your heart out(玩笑话)比你强多了!
- Across有一个意思 字典里找不到
- Fat chance希望渺茫
- Milk it利用时机 榨取好处
- Cherry-pick择优挑选
- Fight tooth and nail“牙爪并施”,竭尽全力
- It's a small world这世界真小
- To vanish into thin air消失得无影无踪
- Get the short straw干最苦的差事
- Soft skills软技能
- Clever clogs自以为聪明的人
- Couch surfing沙发冲浪
- It’s like riding a bike像骑自行车一样,学过就忘不了
- On fire让人 “着火” 的表达
- Out of Order办事欠妥当
- Give someone the runaround让某人跑来跑去
- 地道英语:“Dead” 在英式口语中的用法
- Laughing all the way to the bank一路笑到银行
- The joke's on you玩笑开到自己头上
- Keep a lid on it给事情 “盖上盖子”
- To pull the wool over someone's eyes给人眼前蒙一层羊毛 = 骗人
- Take the rough with the smooth既能享乐也能吃苦
- Hard-nosed顽强务实
- To have a soft spot情有独钟
- To make a song and dance (about something)BBC地道英语:小题大做
- Giant killer打败强大对手的巨人杀手
- A shock to the system一件让人难以应对的事
- From pillar to post东奔西跑
- Small talk寒暄
- A bright spark一词多意:聪明人和蠢人
- Digital detox数字排毒
- To be all downhill容易走的下坡路
- Fireworks除了 “烟花” 以外的意思
- To have all your Christmases come at once就像多个圣诞节同时到来一样 “鸿运当头”
- It's the thought that counts礼轻情意重
- Leaves a bad taste in your mouth“嘴里留下怪味” 的意思是什么?
- Pea-souper像 “豌豆汤” 的浓雾天
- Throw in the towel认输、放弃
- Dumbphone什么是 “笨手机”?
- 用 no fear说 “绝对不行”
- Something to chew on仔细考虑